Medical Terminology
Health Care Records
Disease terms in antiquity and how they are related
Today’s Lecture
Ancient categories of disease
Disease Terms
Progress note
Disease: Mixture or imbalance
Spring: Infancy:
Element: air
Humor: Blood
Temperament: sanguine
Organ: Heart
Summer: Youth:
Element: Fire
Humor: Yellow Bile
Temperament: Choleric
Organ: Spleen
Fall: Maturity
Element: Earth
Humor: Black Bile
Temperament: Melancholic
Organ; liver
Winter :Old Age:
Element: water
Humor: Phlegm
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Organ: Brain
Disease and Astrology
Medieval times the constilations will be associated with a disease. Sign man or the man of signs. Certain astrological signs will be what you will probably be ailed from.
The anatomy of melancholy.
List of the signs for each planet.
Ancient Nosology: Area
A capite and calcem ”from head to toe”
Capit/o head
Calcane/o-calcaneus-heal bone
Modern Nosology: Area
Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771)
Anatomical Pathology
Organ and tissue
Modern Nosology: Area
Localized(an area of body) vs. Systematic(whole body/system)
Atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, body system, organism
Galen’s Level of Organization
Galen, on the elements according to Hippocrates
Elements (Air, fire earth and water)
Humor (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile)
Homoiomerous parts (Tissue)
Human Body
Ancient Nosology: Chronic vs. Acute
L. Acutus-sharp, Painful= Gr. Oxus-sharp quick(Crisis, acute)
L. Chronicus=Gr. Chronios-long time(not crisis, chronic)
Chronos vs. Cronos
Chronos Gr. Time, god of time
Cronos is a titan who killed his father. Saturn the god with a sickle(?)time to harvest
Virtue along dulls the blade
Ancient Nosology: Fevers
Gr. Puretio=L. Febres
Type: e.g. putrid fevers
Periodicity: e.g. ephemeral(24 hour fever), tertian(occurs every third day), quartan(occurs every fourth day)
Paroxysm (Gr. Paroxysmos-irritation)symptoms or signs are increased or reoccurring
Crisis (Gr. Krisis-judgement, event) turning point in disease or breaking a fever
NB: pyr/o-heat or fire; febrile/afebrile
Modern Nosology
What is the difference between ‘recurrent’ and ‘exacerbation’?
Recurrent means happens repeatedly you have no control over it
Exacerbation means its getting worse can control it in your environment or caused by self.
Recurrant (L. Re-again/currere-to run)
Exacerbation –(L/ ex-from, out of, acerbus-harsh, painful, severe)
What is the difference between progressive and sequela?
Progressive means it’s a process symptoms gradually getting worse
Sequela after disease has occurred there are accessories problems that happen after words
Progressive (L. progressus-advance, a going forward)
Sequela- (L. Sequella- consequence or corollary)
Prognosis vs. diagnosis
Prognosis is a prediction
Diagnosis look at signs and symptoms and name of the symptoms
Diagnosis-(Gr. Dia-through; gnosis-knowledge)
Prognosis (Gr. Pro-before; gnosis-knowledge=foreknowledge)
NB. –gnos-or gnost-knowledge
A condition/ disease occurring without a clearly identified cause is termed:
Idiopathic (Gr. Idios-own, pathos-disease)
NB> idi/o=individual, distinct
e.g. idiotrophic (plant), idiosyncrasy (behavior unique to them)
What is the difference between a sign, symptom, and a syndrome?
Sign, something that you see physically or can be tested objective information
Symptom, subjective what the patient feels
Syndrome, collection of symptoms and signs
Difference between benign and malignant
Benign-mild or not as harsh not going to progress perhaps benign tumor, a tumor not cancerous
Malignant-distructive and could kill you malignant tumor, goes outside its boundaries
Benign(L/ benignus-kind, beneficial)
Malignant(L. malignus-spiteful, harmful)
Cancer(L. cancer-crab-Gr. Karkinos)monster eating away at you.
Progress notes
Sex is male
Three week sickness
5-6 times a headache week
C with line above it means with cum is with
O with line through it means no
3 beers each night q means each
Noc means night
Nkda no known drug allergies
Sitting when in blood pressure
S with line over it means without sine
M with circle around it means mur
Diagnosis means hypertension
r/o means rule out so you need to test for it
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