Endocrine System
Today’s Lecture
Herodotus: Natron and mummification, uroscopy
Hormone suffixs symptomatic and diagnostic terms
Suffixes Hormones:
-liberin (releasing factor, to release a hormone) Thyroliberin(Thyroliberin releases thyrotropin)
-tropin (stimulates) Thyrotropin(stimulates the thyroid,literally)
-statin (standing, stops,inhibits a releasing) Thyrostatin(inhibits thyroliberin)
-tocin (contractions,toc-to give birth) Oxytocin(bring on stronger contractions)
-lactin (milk) Prolactin(stimulating the milk in the breasts)
Islets of Langerhans and Insulin (L. Insula-islands) tissue saw little islands on the pancreas
-pressin (to press) Vasopressin(blood pressure constricts the arterials)
-poietin( form or make) Erythropoietin(stimulates the making of red blood cells)
-agon/-agogue ( to Lead or convey) Glucagon(hormones that leads or conveys glucose)
-gen(produce, create) Estrogen(creates estro-drive )
Estrus Cycle- when female mammals are in heat
Sarcrates-He was always questioning people, whether they knew what they thought they knew., they don’t know what they think they know.
Steroid Hormones
Steroid Hormones
Sterol(gr. Stereos, solid + L/oleum, oil)
Sex hormones of the adrenal cortex
Progesterone (pro-before gest-to give birth)
Symptomatic Terms
Hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood)
Your patient c/o frequent urination and excessive thirst. The medial terms are these symptoms are:
Polyuria(frequent urination), polydipsia(excessive thirst)
Which of the following medical terms means abnormally increased sodium…etc
Calc/i-calcium (l.calx-lime)
Kal/I-potassium(m.L. kalium-potash)
Natr/o-sodium(l.L.natrium=Arabic natrun= gr. Nitron= Egyptian-ntr)
Herodotus: Natrium and Egyptian mummification
5th BC greek historian AKA father of history
Egyptian mummification 2.86-87
Three different methods which Egyptian embalmers used to treat dead bodies.
Natrium was used to dry out the body
Symptomatic terms
This individual exhibits what symptom links with increased androgens as in the case of adrenal virilism?
Hirsutism-(L. hirsutus-covered with hair, rough, shaggy)
Adrenal virilism(L. virilis-of a man, manly, male)
This individual illustrates what symptom commonly associated with hyperthyroidism?
Exophthalmos/exophthalmus –eyes going outside the body particularly with graves to disease
Diagnostic Terms
Which of the following diseases is associated with excessive production of the adrenal gland:
Cushing’s Syndrome - hyperadrenocorticism
Excessive swelling, change in mood
What is the fundamental sign which distinguishes diabetes mellitus(DM) from diabetes insipidus(DI)?
Gr. Diabetes, passing through, i.e. urine
L. mellitus, honey sweet
L.L. insipidus, tasteless= in0’not’ + sapidus ’tasty’ *fig. meaning ’uninteresting, dull’
Urban legend: modern doctor, what very closely, so you can be an experts and a great dr. know all the signs,
Uroscopy vs. urine analysis
The color of the urine would give different diagnostics. To tell what sicknesses you had, or where you were in your healing process. Looking at artwork if you have someone looking through a flask it isn’t a scientist it’s a physician
Which of the following can be attributed to problems with the function of the pituitary gland:
a) Acromegaly
b) Gigantism
c) Dwarfism
Acromegaly (too much growth hormone after adolescent)
John Hunter(1728-1793) and the Irish Giant, Charles Byrne
John Hunter is the Father of scientific surgeon infected himself with syphilis, tore his Achilles, cut into an animal to see how it healed vs. how it healed in a human. Hunter wanted Byrne’s body, but he didn’t want to Hunter to have his body. Hunter got Byrne’s body.
Children of gia (earth) machy means war, Olympians and the giants to show the Olympians were superior, titans were earlier versions of the Olympians. Culture vs. nature
Cretinism-(cretin-christian)-mental retardation prominent
Pituitary dwarfism-shorter , height 4’11
Dwarf means little may have the problem with achondroaplasia , shorter limbs.
Which of the following is associated with hypothyroidism:
Goiter(swelling in the neck)
Myxedema(myx/muco-mucus) mucus swlling, waxy and hard
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