Psychiatric Christmas Carols
Nscissism: Hark! The Heralds Angels Sing About me!
Mania: Deck the halls and walls and house and lawn and streets and stores and office and town and cars and busses and trucks and trees and fire hydrands and..We need more holly.
Paranoia: Santa claus is coming to get me!
Obsessive-complusive disorder: jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, etc.
Depression: silent anhedonia, holy anhedonia, all is flat all is lonely
Schizophrenia: Do you hear what I hear?
4 temperaments, melancholy and hypochondriasis, epilepsy and the sacred disease
Terms: sympatic, diagnostic and psychiatry
Symptomatic terms
Which of the following words literally means ‘a condition of difficult articulation’?
Combining forms for the nervous system
Lex/o word or phrase alexia(word blindness)
Arthr/o articulation/joint dysarthria
Phas/o speech sensory aphasia(talk to you can’t understand, or what’s read)
Lal/o speech laloplegia( -plegia paralysis complete paralysis of speech)
Lag/o word logorrhea(diarrhea of the mouth)
Poliomyelitis (grey matter of the spinal cord inflammation)
Polioencephalomeningomyelitis (grey matter in the brain and spinal cord and inflammation of menginges)
Polioclastic (pertaining to the grey matter, breaking down)
What does myelomeningocele literally mean?
Pouching of the spinal cord membrane
Spina bifida(cleft) occulta(hidden), meningocele(swelling of meninges), and myelomeningocele(spinal cord goes with the meninges)
Complete paralysis of one side of the body is:
Hemiplegia(one side)
Paraplegia(half body,below)
Quadriplegia(four limbs)
Cerebral palsy(paralysis)
Quadriplegia (all four limbs are involved)
Dipleasia( all four limbs are involved. Both legs are more severly effected than the arms)
Hemiplegia(one side of the body is affected. The arm is usually more involved than the leg)
What type of epilepsy is a major motor seizure involving all muscle groups characterized by violent movements?
Grand mal seizure & tonic(muscle tension)-clonic seizure
ABSENSE SEIzure (small sprint of falling asleep) petit mal seizure (same as prior)
Epilepsy (gr. Epilepsia-to seize upon) the gods were coming upon someone (either pos. or neg.)
Seizure ( seisir, to take possession of)
Hippocrates On the sacred disease
5th BC
Attacks the notion that the ‘sacred disease’ is caused by a visitation of the gods
Provides a physiological explanation for the ‘sacred disease’
The sacred disease is no more sacred than any other disease, nature is sacred so all disease is caused by nature so it’s sacred. Essentially what happens when you’re born you have a lot of phlegm in their head and some have them cleaned out when we are born and some don’t and later on in life when the phlegm comes does it being cold, when it hits the heat of blood it causes convulsions.
Huntingtons chorea (HD)
Chorea and greek chorus
Greek chorus, participate of people who would come out and sing and dance. Choreography
Terms related to the mind
Psych/o (gr. Psyche-soul, mind)-psychosis(condition of the mind, hallucinations dilusions)
Phren/o (gr. Phren-midriff, mind)-schizophrenia(dillusions)
Thym/o(gr. Thumos-emotion,mind)- dysthymia(difficult emotion, chronic depression)
Ment/a(l. mens-thought, mind)-dementia(away from ones mind, loss of mental function progressive)
No/o(gr. Nous-intellect, mind)-paranoia(abnormal mind condition, persecution type of thought)
**neur.o(gr. Neuron, nerve sinew)-neurosis(mal adaptive condition, overreact, OCD)
Thumos thymus gland thumOs emotion passion
A symptomatic terms
A restless, dissatisfied mood is associated with which term?
Dysphoria (baring difficultly)
Euphoria (baring something well, exaggerated state of thinking of wellness)
Apathy( lack of emotion)
What is the difference between a delusion and delirium?
Delusion(l. deludere-to deceive)
Delirium(l. de + lira-furrow) (away from the row)(not in touch with reality)
Via appia-deviant behavior(going away from the norm)
Which of the following is a mood disorder?
Manic depression(bipolar)
Autism (condition of the self)(can’t relate outside themselves)
Ideation(form, species, process of ideas, suicidal tendencies or thoughts that keeps coming back)
Mania-maenad(women followers of dianysis, get into an ecstatic state doing crazy stuff king of thieves rejected dianysis and he goes out to get the king and gets him to see and they rip him to shreds)
Which of the following are anxiety disorders?
All of them
Phobia-phobos the greek god of fear (son of aries and aphriditi)
Aries in greek mythology is looked down upon, associated with disorderly war. Athena is positive sense. Aries in roman he is positive
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces/outdoors)
Panic disorders (god pan, idea of too much anxiety over something unrealistic)(battle of marathon, pan goes off to marathon ..etc)
Four temperaments(too much)
1. Choleric (yellow bile, short tempered)
2. Melancholic (black bile, smarter, mania, depressed)
3. Phlegmatic ( phlegm, lethargic)
4. Sanguine ( blood, amorous, full of love, passionate)
Hypochondriasis(lower than the cartilage) and melancholy
Galen believed that black bile was in the spleen. Black bile could produce a state where you focus too much on your sickness and you’re depressed.
Anorexia nervosa –an/orex (gr. Orexis-appetite)/ia
Bulimia nervosa (gr. Boulimia-ravenous hunger)
Parorexia(abnormal condition of appetite, for foods that are abonormal)
Xenorexia( desire for things that are foreign)
Hyperorexia (
Orthorexia nervosa(focus on eating good foods excessively)
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