Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4/20/11 Class Notes

Urinary System
Today’s lecture
                                Pot or flask L.
                                Made of glass so you can see through them.
                                Urine is the product of perpulation of the blood. It’s getting sort of purified.  If it doesn’t get completely purified then the color will be different colors.  People who practiced medicine were monks.  Sometimes did it out of charity for the poor or would charge for the rich.  The pope tried to purify the catholic church who said that lets stop sending the monks out to get educated and stop them from touching feces and urine.  Medicine and religion started separated one from the other.
                Uroscopy wheels and medical diagnosis
                                16-20 matula’s on a wheel.  The circles are connected to what’s happening in the kidney.  Green urine, blue urine, yellow, orange, red, cloudy.  The colors are factual.  But their connection was to humors.  Green urine is a type of urinary infection. 
                                Systematic always, matula, cloudy or sentiment if it’s higher it’s in the head, if it’s lower it’s in the lower body.  Signs had to be analogous to parts in the bodies
                Urochromatic terms
                                Urocyanin –blue urine
                                Uroerythrin -red
                                Urorrhodin-rose colored urine
                                Uroxanthin- yellow urine
                                Urofuscin- fuscia –redish brown
                                Leukocytes, Nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, pH, blood, specific gravity, ketone, bilirubin, glucose
                Symptomatic terms-uria
                                Pyuria –pus urine
                                Azoturia-nitrogen waste urine
Albuminuria-protein in urine
Aciduria-pH level in urine
Hematuria-blood in urine
Hypersthenuria-excessively strong urine
Ketosuria-presense of ketone
Urobilinuria-presence of urobilinogen
Glucosuria-too much sugar in urine
                                Anuria-without urine
                                Dysuria-difficult to urine
                                Nocturia or nycturia- bathroom at night
                                Oliguria- limited amounts
                                Polyuria-too much urine
                Therapeutic terms
                                Dialysis (Gr. Dialysis-separating, a loosing of one from another, dissolution) kidney failure
                                                Hemodialysis – separating the blood.  Pump blood through the machine and purifies blood and pumps it back in. 
                                                Peritoneal dialysis- separating the peritoneal.  Take a sack that has glucose and salt in it.  Pulls out the stuff that shouldn’t be in your blood.  Not as effective as hemodialysis.
                Urination meaning just urination
                Micurition (L. micturire-to desire to urinate)just urination
Symptomatic terms
                Is there a difference between incontinence and enuresis?
                                Incontinence(L. in = not + continere= to confine, hold)
                                In ability to retain urine, semen or feces though loss of sphincter…etc
Enursis (gr. En= in + ourein=to make water)
                Involuntary discharge of urine after the age of bladder control.
                                Nocturnal enuresis-bed wetting
                                Diurnal enuresis- urinary stress incontinence.
Treatment for nocturnal enuresis
                Kegel exercises.
                                Excersies where you strengthen the pineal muscles.
Diagnostic terms
                Which term(s) is associated with nitrogenous waste in the blood.
                                Azotemia and uremia
Lithiasis-formulation of calculi
                Calculus-L.=little stone
Calculi and the roman abacus
                Abacus means counting table.  You used stones on a stick.  Calculus is the idea of moving the stones on the abacus. 
Utereroscopy and stent
Location of calculi
Extracorporeal(outside of body) lithotripsy (breaking down/crushing stone)
                ‘simple’ stones too large to pass through
                Ultrasound shock waves crush stones
                Smaller pieces pass out of the body in urine
Intracorporeal lithotripsy (inside of body) breaking down/crushing stone)
                Something on the end to break up the stones
Lithotomy (incision of the stone)
                Nephrolithotomy (incision in the kidney to remove the stone)/ ureterolithotomy (incision of the ureter to remove the stone)
Ancient treatments for calculi in the urinary tract
                Hippocratic Oath (5th-4th BC)
                                ‘I will not cut, even for a stone, but I will leave such procedures to the practitioners of that craft’
                Practicing similar to the person teaching them but would still do cuts.
                                If I tell you you’re going to die and then practice on you people will think my medical practices were bad.
Medications for calculi
                Dioscorides De Materia Medica (1st AD)
                                Medicinal Herbs
                                Parts of plants which dissolve urinary stones
                Roman catheter
                                Male catheter to drain the bladder made of lead
                                Same with female.
Surgery (chirugia + for stones)
                Celsus, De Medicina (1st AD)
                                Manually moving the stone
                                Excision of stones from the bladder/urethra

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