Male Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Where does the male ‘seed’ come from?
Hippocratic work: On generation or ‘on the seed’
Derived from all humors of the body. Contribute to semen. Ejaculation occurs because a man gets agitated and the fluid comes from the marrow of the brain and then comes out and goes behind the ear goes down the back and goes straight out the penis. To make someone no longer produce semen they would cut behind their ear.
Thinking about semen as a seed and fluid.
Moves from the spinal marrow by the kidneys in the veins to the testicles and then out the penis.
Ancient Theories of the seed
Gone(gr. Seed, offspring), Sperma (gr. That which is sown, seed). Semen(L. what is sown, seed)
Efficient(domino effect), formal(have to have two dogs to make a dog) and material(matter out of which something is made) cause
Aristotle-one seed system (males are the only one who produce seed, they produce the efficient and formal cause. Female produces the material cause, no seed. Male gives life and form, but female gives humors. Men are perfection, women are imperfection)
Galen-two seed system(females produce seed and males produce seed females produces efficient formal and material cause, male produces efficient formal and material cause but are more superior, Galen doesn’t think highly of women, and never got married, hated his mother)
Combining forms for the male reproductive system
Balan/o glans penis balanitis(inflammation of the glans penis)/ Balanorrhagia(blood discharge from glans penis)
Balanos(Gr. Acorn)
Epididym/o epididymis (didymis=twins) epididymodeferential(pertaining to the epididymis and vas deferens)
Gr. Epi-upon+ didymous-twins
-didymus(twins) and –pagus(fixed)
Gastrodidymus(conjoined twin joined at the stomach)
Craniodidymus(joined but have two heads)
Craniopagus(joined at the head to a whole other person)
Rachiopagus(joined at the spine/spinal column)
Ischiopagus(joined at the pelvis)
Hemipagus(two people joined but two arms and legs between them)
Cryptodidymus(conjoined twin with one inside the other)
Orch/o testis or testicle anorchism(lack of one or both testicles)
Cryptorchism(testicle is hidden doesn’t desend on a child)
Orchi/o orchiopexy(fixation of testicles/used with cryptorchism)
Orchid/o orchidectomy(removal of testis)
NB Male castration=orchidectomy, orchectomy (specific to males) women can have castrations as well
Castration of Uranus( Uranus is the god of the sky or heavens, he is the son of Gia/Earth they have a incectual relationship. Heavens water the earth, keeps his penis inside her so she can’t produce what she’s supposed to produce. Make it fertile. She has a child chronos to conspire against the father and he castrates his father and frees heaven away from earth. Would see heaven as a dome over a flat earth.
Aphros and Aphrodite throws Uranus’s gonads into the aphros which creates Aphrodite. It was the semen who produced Aphrodite.
Aphrodisiac and antaphrodisiac pertaining to Aphrodite any type of material that enhances sexual attraction or stimulates sexual activity itself. Whatever increases semen production that’s an aphrodisiac in antiquity.
Hermaphrodite – both male and female genetalia. Also talked about with animals who have male and female genetalia who don’t need another to reproduce
Protandry-starts off male and then becomes female later
Protogyny-starts off female then becomes male to produce without another animal
Prostat/o prostate prostatodynia(pain within the prostate)/ vesicoprostatic(urinary bladder and prostate pertaining to)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia/ benign prostatic hypertrophy
Sperm/o sperm/seed oligospermia(scanty production of sperm)/ azoospermia( no spermatozoa)
Spermatozoon(spermatozoa) masterbates then puts it on the slide to find out about it.
Acro-top some-body flagellum-tail/whip
Spermat/o spermatocele(hernia/pouch of sperm/swelling o sperm)
A. Normal
B. Hydrocele
C. Spermatocele
D. Varicocele
Gonad/o genitals/offspring/semen gonad( sexual gland)/ gonadectomy( removal of either male or female sex gland)
Gon/o gonorrhea(semen discharge)/ gonangiectomy ( removal of the vas deferes)
Vasectomy= gonangiectomy
Vasovasostomy – opposite of vasectomy
Perineal – area between anus and scrotum/ vagina
Peripenial – around penis
Peroneal - outside of calf
Perennial – through the year
perianal – around anus
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