Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4/27/11 Class Notes

House Quiz Wednesday of next week.
Male Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Herm-head of hermes, boundary stone, and protection.
An erect penis, means something that had power.
Uncircumcised penis.
Diagnostic terms
                Stenosis or narrowness of the perputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penise.  The condition is treated by circumcision.
                Phimosis(right answer)
                Balanitis(inflammation f the glans penis)
                Meatitis(inflammation of the whole in the penis)
                Hypospadia( hypo+span-to draw, pull)
Phimosis-(Gr. Phimos-muzzle)
                Causes skin to close up on the penis
Circumcision in the greek and roman world
                They did not circumcise, jews and Egyptians did circumcise.
Roman pretty important to know if you are circumcised.  To know if you were jewish or another race.  Could be negative if you were circumcised. 
Celsus’ decircumcision operation.
                Decoris causa cut around the glans penis and pull it up then put a plaster around it to become uncircumcised.
When a whole is in the vagina to happen women, phimosis and circumcision can happen to women
Epispadia-the whole is on the top. Hypospadia the whole is on the bottom.
Diagnostic terms
                The synonym for imponence.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)-
                Impotence(without power/ability)
                Hippocrates, Airs Waters and Places(22) Attempts to provide a natural explanation for impotence among the Scythians.  Different areas and their relationship to disease.  Scythians incidence of ED they are feminine because Greeks didn’t like how they dressed, they aren’t sexually active and maley.  Scythians are famous for riding horses.  If you ride a horse often you damage the blood vessels down in the penis so they have ED.  As soon as the men have these problems they put on womens clothing.
Priapism(errection for over 4 hours) and Priapus(priapus has a very large penis )
                Ithyphallic (pertaining to the penis ithy-straight) diety who has erect penis
                Ithylordosis ( where the lordic curve in your back is straight)
                Ithygenic ( produces gen and creates an errection)
                Ithyphallalgia ( pain when someone has an errection)
                Phalloncus ( tumor on the penis)
                Phallocrypsis ( Penis is in the body where you can’t see it)
Peyronie’s disease
                Plaque in the penis, will cause a deviation in the penis, will cause ithyphallalgia during sex.  Surgically is the best way to correct.  Make a cut then straighten the penis but it shortens the penis.
Satyriasis(excessive sexual desires) and Nymphomanis(women’s satyriasis)
                Satyr’s goat legs large penis that’s erect.  Larger penis doesn’t mean you’re manly means you aren’t able to control you’re sexual desires.  Smaller penis means more civilized.
                Nymphomania- nympha represents a stream, the deities are known for grabbing young men and mate with them and typically the men don’t come back and the men become sex slaves.  Or wanting to be married multiple times so to have sex many times.
Sexually transmitted diseases(STD) = venereal Disease
                Venus-Roman goddess of Love
Ancient Male Contraception
                Rhythm method – when the women will be able to be pregnant and have sex only when she can’t get pregnant.
                Coitus interruptus – pull out before ejaculate
                Diet- thought they could control semen production by their diet, men would eat drying foods.
                Infibulations- stick a pin through the fore skin and closing it off. 
                Vasotomy?- cutting behind the ear but no medical text that talks about it.
                Condoms?- no condoms.  First condom is in 1618 not for contraception but to stop getting a sexually transmitted disease.  And it was reusable. 
Sexual Diseases in Greek Medicine
                No such thing as a sexually transmitted disease.  Had no idea of infections.  They didn’t think of diseases of sex be able to pass from one person to the other.  They thought it had to deal with the seed.
                Gonorrhea(can’t keep seed in so it leaks out) vs. satyriasis(believed women could get it too, more seed was going to be more sexually active)
                Contagio-L. contamination by touch, not an infection and didn’t deal with STD’s
Need to know the difference between Bacterial(can live outside the body) and Viral(needs a host to replicate virus means poison.)
Bacterial STD
                Which of the following are bacterial STDs:
                                Hepatitis B-no
                1530, Girolamo Fracastoro, Syphilis Morbus Gallicus(disease of the French)
                ‘A night in the arms of venus leads to a lifetime on mercury’ great pox named syphilis
                Treatment – something to do with semen production.  Stars caused syphilis under certain movements.  Treatment for it was mercury after they figured out it was an STD mercury made you sweat and salivate. 
Viral STDs
                Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
                Herpes Simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
                Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)
                Human papilloma Virus(HPV)

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