Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11 Class Notes

Pharmaceutical and Chemical Terms
Today’s Lecture
Paracelsus and alchemy
Pharmaceutical and chemical term components
Alchemy and Paracelsus
                Hermes Trismegistus(three times great)(hermes messenger god)(mixture of two pagan religions, Egyptian thought with hermes), alchemy(where we get chemistry, to pour in, ergy-to work with)(change or exchange when talking about hermes)(study or belief that you can change a worthless metal into something of value like silver or gold,al is Arabic) (someone gets used with medicine like elixirs, philosopher stone is believe that there is an element or liquid that had the power to change metal into gold and forever young)(talismans ), and medicine
                Paracelsus(beyond greek medicine) (1493-1541), Hermetic Pharmacology(He was Christianized or made into a religious figure, looked at him from as a modern Moses, he understood greek medical work, but he was interested in other things.  He saw that all you needed to do is look at nature, sulphate, sulphur or salt, mercury, he was concerned with minerals.  Changed chemical composition and used mercury in a lot of his medical elixirs.  Spoke or wrote german.  Burned all the books known about medicine at the time) referring to alchemy (hermetic pharmacology) when we use hermetic pharmacology we think of air tight.
Drug Names
Generic Names: Naproxen
                                Naphthyl(a derivative of naphthalene)+propionic acid + oxy + -en(as in ibuprofen)
                Trade/Brand name: Anaprox, Naprelan, Naprosyn, Aleve
                Classification: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
                Anesthetic(pertaining to a lack of feeling)
                Analegesic(pertaining to lack of pain0
                Sedative(sooths or smooths something out, smooths the nerves)
                Hypnotic(pertaining to sleep)^subgroups of hypnotic
                Antiboitic(pertaining to life)
                Antineoplastic(against new formations)
                Antiemetic(pertaining to vomiting)
                Antidiuretic(against the passing through urine)
                Antitussive(against coughing)
Greek: Chemical Elements
                Arsenic                 Arsenikos-Male, brave
                Chlorine               Khloros-greenish yellow
                Argon                    A+ergon-no work
                Phosphorus        Phos+pherein-light bearer
                Selenium             selene-moon
                Osmium               osme-smell
                Krypton                                Kryptos-hidden
                Helium                  helios-sun
Promethium(Prometheus,titan god gives back fire to mankind, zeus punishes him by having an eagle eat his liver/chest every day) and Tantalum(tantalos, feeds his son to the gods, demeaning to the gods, punish him to underworld, he is in water every time he wants to drink the water moves away from him, and fruit is from his head and he can’t eat it because it moves away, tantalum avoids water)
Greek numbers
Greek:chemical compounds and complexes
                Carbon monoxide(CO)
                Hypochlorite(less of oxygen, one less than a chlorate)
                Perchlorate(one more oxygen than chlorate)
                Hydrochloric (water mixed with hydrochloride becomes hydrochloric acid)
Greek: Classes of compounds
                Tetragonal(4 angles in it’s structure)
                Octahedral (pertaining to 8 sides)
                Isomer (mer-part equal parts)
                Polymer (many parts)
                Stereoisomer (3D is equal arrangements)
Chirality(Gr. Cheir-hand)
                Enantiomers (enantio-opposite parts)
Latin and isomers
                Cis-on this side of
Greek:general terms
                Isotope (same place)
                Ion(ienai-to go)
                Cation vs. anion (kata vs. ana)
                Cathode(the downward way) vs. anode(upward way) (hodos-way, path)
                Stoichiometry(stoichion-element)(study of mathematic equations dealing with chemical elements)
                Azeotrope (zein-to boil) (not change when boiled)
                 Eutectic(tektos-melted)(place that has been melted together)
Latin Element Names/Symbols
                Radium                 radius-ray
                Fluorine               fluere-to flow(-flux)
                Cu                           Cuprum (copper, made in Cyprus)
                Fe                           Ferrum (iron)
                Ag                           Argentum (gold)
                Au                          Aurum (silver)
Gallium-Gaul (welsh)
                Julius Caesar, Gallic Wars”Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres” Gallia is divided into three parts
Latin Numberal and ordinals
1)Unus                 primus
2)Duo                    secundus
3)Tres                   tertius
4)Quattuor         quartus
9)Novem                             nonus
10)Decem                           decimus
100)Centum                       centesimus
1,000)Mille                          millesimus
Latin Chemistry Terms
                Solvere(to loosen, to dissolve)  solution, solvent, aerosol
                Valentia(strength)                           covalence
                Siccare(to dry)                                   desiccated

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