Integumentary System
‘It’s just a flesh wound’
Today’s lecture
Pg. 121 on (Just study what’s in the lecture)
History: treatment of lesions
Terminology: Types of lesions, general symptomatic and diagnostic terms, grafts, know the pictures of lesion differences.
What’s the difference between a lesion and a wound?
Wound vs. lesion
Wound-Break in the continuity of soft parts of the body caused by violence or trama to the tissue
Lesion L. Laidere-to strike hurt, injure, damage
Pathologically altered tissue
Injury or wound
NB Nemo laeditur nisi a se ipso (no one is wounded unless by himself)
Hippocratic care for lesions
On Ulcers (Gr. Helkos)
Classification of ulcers
Time(chronic/acute, summer/winter), area(where it occurs, arms/belly more blood flow), drainage(pus(blood turns into pus), blood(‘good bleeding’ but not too much), clean(drying it out ASAP), clear)
Bandages and dressings(astringent, or to moist things, wine, vinegar, honey, copper, mer, frankensence), regiment(more liquid less food, so you don’t produce a lot of blood), evacuation(purging, enema, bleeding(if blood becomes pus, we don’t want too much blood), Get the food out of you(food turns into blood))
In the surgery:
“Bandaging should be quick, without pain, with ease, and done with elegance.”
Disproving treatment of bleeding
Juice from a fig tree
Oros clots milk; therefore, oros will clot blood
In actuality, the juice prevents clotting
Primary and secondary and vascular lesions (P. 106)
Know these shapes!! Bigger or larger in the category
Primary lesion(change on previously normal skin) caused by disease or pathological change
Secondary lesion (sequala, occur as a result of the disease)
Puritis – severe itching
Excoriation ( secondary lesion caused by scratching)
Any type of lesion that’s vascular in nature is a vascular lesion.
Primary lesions: discolored nonpalable
Macula-L. physical spot or moral stain
-ex. Freckle, macula lutea, immaculate (in-into im-not)(without spot)
Patch-flat discolored area larger than 1cm (eg. Vitiligo=leukoderma)
L. vitium-fault, defect, blemish, imperfection
In vitio esse (to be in fault)
Primary lesions: elevated, palpable solid masses
Plaque – M. Fr.-metal plate, coin (e.g. psoriasis) (like a coin , an edge that’s raised but flat on top) lion head over head (hercules)
Nodule-L. nodulus(little knot) nodus (large knot) lymph node
Nodule, solid, raised, goes below the epidermis
Primary Lesions: elevated formed with fluid
Vesicle-L. vesicular little bladder, anything made from a bladder or purse)
Fever blister(herpes labialis) herpes (creepy and crawly thing of the lip)
Vesica biliaris(gallbladder) bladder of bial
Bulla- L. round swelling, an amulet poison oak or poison ivy
The amulet filled with little penis’ inside to help turn away evil, mark of a child
Seconday Lesions
Excoriation-L. Ex-out + corium-hide ation –process
Keloid-gr. Kele-swelling, hernia + -iod (scar that goes out beyond the bounds that it should)
Hypertrophic scarring hyper-excessive troph-nourishment
NB. Troph/o-nourishment
Trop means to turn
What is the medical term for scar?
Singular Cicatrix-pl. cicatrices
Cicatrices corpora adverso exceptae (scars received on the front of the body)
Vascular Lesions
Tel, tele-Gr. Telos-end/gr. Tele-distance
Dilations of the vessels that are the small ones
Ecchymosis-bruise(humor is coming out)
Chym-gr. Chymos-juice or humor
Know the common term
Memorize common terms
Know the common term
If someone is saying nice comedo, he is saying?
You have a zit
l. comedo-I eat up, consume
diagnostic terms
gr. Phagedaina- ‘the devouring disease’
today the term phagedena and phagedenic is used for a sloughing(separeation from dead tissue to living tissue) ulcer that spreads quickly.
Diagnostic terms:personification
Gangrene (gr. Gangraina-grao-I gnaw)
Impetigo(l. impetere-to attack) caused by a strain of bacteria(staphylococcus aureus) that produces a toxin which splits the epidermis (very contagious)
Herpes zoster= shingles
Herp/o herpet/o-crawling or creeping
Zoster-gr. Girdle
Ninth layer of Hercules-must conquer of amazon
Lupus-(l. wolf) autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of various parts of the body
Tinea-L.Worm fungal skin diseases
Tinea corporis(ring worm of the body)
Tinea barbae(ring worm of beer)
Tinea pedis(ring worm of the foot)
Tinea capitis= (of the head) tinea tonsurans which is cutting
Tinea cruris(groin, crotch)
Tinea manus(hand)
Alopecia and fox mange
Baldness, not mange. Alopecia (mange of the fox)
Mange (mites)
Alopecia(baldness today)
Scabies(l. scabere-to scratch) a contagious infestation of the skin with the itch mite causing intense itching and papules and vesular
Diagnostic terms
Operative terms
Autograft-Gr. Autos self(tissue from self onto self)
Homograft-Gr. Homos-same(tissue of same species onto self)
Allograft-allos other of several
Heterograft-other of two
NB graft(carve out tissue) vs. graph(divise you measure with.)
Diagnostic tests and procedures
Biopsy- (bio-life + opsy-view, gr. Opsis-vision) removal of small piece of living tissue for microscopic exams
Autopsy( looking at it for youself, like a cadaver)
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