Musculoskeletal system
Did you know St. Valentine is also the patron saint of plague?(patron of epilepsy and love)
Today’s Lecture
Human anatomy
Anatomical position, planes, motion, naming bones, naming muscles
Human Anatomy, Vivisection, and…lovesickness
Erasistratus(3rd century BC) Stratonice, and Antiochus
Didn’t practice before or after Erasistratus.
Dissection alive and dead with Aristotle. Lots of poets, mathmatitions, and physicians
Vivisections on human beings in the name of science, the criminals would be dissected alive. First to list valves of hearts, arteries and veins.
Erisistratus, goes to help the king’s son Antiochus, who has love for the kings wife. When stratonice walks by his heart goes. The king gives his wife to his son.
Lovesickness was a legitimate disease in antiquity. A disease of the soul, to cure it distract them to calm the soul.
Anatomical Description of the Skeleton
Galen (2nd century AD)
Bones for beginners(teach the bones first, anatomical procedures)
Gr. Skeletos (dried out)
A capite ad calcem(from the head to the heel)(they would talk about the skull, then go all the way down to the neck, arms, and body)
The Skeleton
Axial skeleton(the head ribs and spinal cord) Hyoid bone is part of the axial skeleton REMEMBER
Appendicular Skeleton (extremities, illium and ischium part of the appendicular REMEMBER)
Body Planes
Sagittal plane (cut right down the center) (pertaining to the arrow, right through the middle)
Lateral(farther away from sagittal plane), medial(closest to sagital plane)
Coronal or frontal plane (plane of the crown)
Anterior(front/verntral) and posterior(back/dorsal)
Transverse plane
Body Movements
Flexsion(to bend)(flex-bent)(flect-bent)(anterior portion/sagittal plane), extention(stretch out)(posterior,sagittal plane)
Abduction(A.b.duction away from duct-to lead or convey )(Lateral)/Adduction(toward to convey )(medial)
Rotation(transverse plane, spin on one spot)(Cercumduction, all planes)
Eversion(away)(vers/vert-turn)/inversion(towards or into)
Pronation/supination(hands supinate, anatomical position)
Dorsiflexsion(bending towards the back)/Plantar flexsion(bending towards the bottom of the foot)
Is Vitruvian Man depicting a plane of motion?
Yes, Coronal, signifies proportion, called vitruvian man because the roman architect, this is based on his study of the proportion of a human being, felt that nature was the model of architecture, because it does nothing in vain it does everything right. Wrote down the ideal proportions of man. A perfect ear is 1/3 the length of the head. If you extend both arms out on a perfect person the height and the length of the arms are equal.
Names of Bones: Atlas and the World
Atlas is the bone that is at the top of your cervical column, atlas holds up the pillar of the sky who is a titan and is holding it because of punishment.
Atlas is holding up the sky, in a circle because the sky rotated around the earth, which is why the constellations’ rotated but in sync with the seasons. If atlas dropped the colmn the sky would fall on the earth
Names of Bones: Fibula and Infibulation
Looks like a safety pin. Infibulation is safe sex. Used a pin inside. Sowing up the ‘va-jay-jay’
Names of Bones: The Talus and the Bronze Giant Talos
Talos is the greek giant who was an autobaton (robot) he was bronze he had icorn in him which is the blood of the gods. There to protect greek. He was weak of the Talus (ankle) he has some sort of nail or qork so if this was pulled out he would have all his icorn drip out and he would die.
The Vertebrae
We have numbers to reference
Cervical (C1-C7)
Thoracic (T1-T12)
Lumbar (L1-L5)
Sacrum (5 fused pieces)
Coccyx (3-4 fused pieces)
Remember that the top one is the first one
Which vertebrae are fractured?
Lumbar(level 3) T12
Surface Anatomy and the Dimples of Venus
Different spots are different levels of the spine, L5 and S1 is dimples of Venus
Philtrum and Cupid’s Bow
Philtrum means love potion
The portion of the lips on the upper lip that has the dimpled area.
The muscles (don’t try to memorize all the muscles)
Just wants you to know how they are named
Classification of muscles
What is the difference between rhabdomyoma(myoma begnine)(rhabdo means striated muscle) and leiomyosarcoma(sarc/o cancerous)(Leio means smooth)?
Smooth vs. Striated Muscle
Cardiac muscle cell
Skeletal muscle cell
Smooth muscle cell
Sarcomere (smooth part of the flesh)
Names of Skeletal Muscles
Location of Origin and Insertion
Origin-Corac/o (portion for movement that’s fixed) (flexsion of the shoulder) (coracoids is not moving)(coracoid ravens beak)
Insertion-brachi/o (is moving)(arm)
Number of Origins
Biceps(two heads/origins)
Triceps(three heads/origins)
Quadriceps(four heads/origins)
NB Caput. Gen. capitis (ceps)
Anatomical Position
Laterial vs. medial Superior vs. inferior
Vast (broad/big)
Flexor Digitorum longus (long flexor of the digits(fingers or toes))
Digitus Medicinalis and vena amoris
Medical Finger (the ring finger)
First century AD in Alexandria, when from the ring finger all the way to the heart.
Vena Amoris vein of love.
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