Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/30/11 Class Notes

The Eye
Today’s Lecture
                                Euclid’s optics/celsus describption of the eye
Symptomatic Terms
What does the root scotoma mean?
                Darkness, tumor of darkness
                Scotophobia-fear of the dark
                Scotopia(condition of vision in darkness)/photopia(condition of vision in light)
Central Scotoma(black dot in center of eye) vs. scintillating scotoma (L.scintillare-to sparkle)
Horizontal gaze nystagmus(where your eye nods) (nustazein-to nod in sleep)
Ageotropic nystagmus(a-away geo-ground trop-to turn)
Describe these 3 eye conditions
Drooping of the eye-blepharoptosis
Eye colors two different colors- heterochromia
Pupil is one large and one small- miosis
                Miosis vs. meiosis
                                Mio- or meio- less, fewer (gr. Meiov, less)
                Meiosis (less chromosome, more cells)
Euclid’s Optics (c. 300BC)
                Greek Mathematician
Refractive Errors: Hyperopia(farsighted) and myopia(nearsighted)
Refractive errors: Astigmatism(No Point)
                Cornea or the lens has a dent in it.  No focal point.  Not hitting on the center
Stigma and Stigmata
                St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
Diagnostic Terms
                The group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic nerve
                Glaucoma(increased pressure)
                Scleritis (inflammation of the sclera)
                Macular degeneration(pertaining to the macular, changes)
Glaucoma-can cause blindness if it’s severe enough
Athena Glaukopis (GR. glaukos-light blue/silver)
Glaucoma-looks like a cataract is one symptoms
                Cataract (L. cataracta- waterfall)
Couching cataracts
                Celsus (c. 25BC-50AD) De Medicina
                Eye doctors-medici ocularii
                Insert needle into the eye and push the cataract away from the pupil
A triangular or wing-like fibrous growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto the cornea is:
                Aphakia-condition without a lens
                Epiphora-a-thing phor-to carry or bear born upon profuse crying
                Trichiasis- tric/o hair iasis-condition abnormal eye turned in and hair bothering the cornea
                Pterygium-right answer
Pterygium- Gr. Pterygion-wing
A type of strabismus in which the eye deviates toward the nose is:
                -on means structure
                Esotropia (eso, towards, trop-turning, ia-condition, eye turns towards the nose)
                Exotropia(eyes turned out)
Strabismus(gr. Strabismus-squinting syn. Heterotropia)
Eyelid dysfunction:Entropion(eye lid turns in) and ectropion (eye lid droops away from the eye)
                Calisis relaxation of the eye
The term sty(e) is used synonymously with:
                Chalazion-type of problem where you get swelling in the eye(hail stone) no infection
                Hordeolum-right answer(grain of wheat) infection occur at the border of the eye lid

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TEST 5 STARTS HERE AND UP!! 3/28/11 Class Notes

NOTE: I forgot my laptop so these notes are just what was on the slides.  Sorry about that, and I don’t have many of the definitions so you’ll have to look those up and do some extra studying.  Sorry!

The Eye
Today’s Lecture
                                Ancient Theories of vision
                                Combining forms
Ancient theories of vision
                Extramission-visual perception is brought about by light emitted from the eye
                Intromission-vision perception is from something representative of the object coming in contact with the eye
Anatomy’s role in ancient theories of vision
                Aristotle’s version of the eye
                Galen’s version of the eye
                Iris, pupil, cornea, retina, lens, macula, optic nerve
Light terms
                Reflection(L. reflectere, to bend back)
                Refraction(L. refringere, to break up or back)
Combining forms for the eye
                Aque/o                                water                    aqueous humor/aqueductus cerebri
                                Roman aqueduct (pont du gard)
                Blephar/o            eyelid                    blepharochalasis/ blepharoptosis
                Conjuctiv/o        conjunctiva         conjunctivitis (pink eye)
                Corne/o               horny/hard(cornea)       corneal xerosis/ corneoblepharon
                Kerat/o                                                                                keratorrhexis
                Ir/o                        iris                                          iritis
                Irid/o                                                                     iridoplegia
                                Iris goddess of the rainbow/ messenger between heaven and earth
                Cycl/o                   circle(circular body)         cycloplegia
                Lacrim/o              tear                                        lacrimotome
                Dacry/o                                                                                dacryocystitis/ dacryadenalgia
                                Lacrimal apparatus
                                Lacrimal gland vs lacrimal sac
                Ocul/o                  eye                                        oculogyria
                Ophthalm/o                                                       ophthalmotropometer
                Opt/o                                                                    panoptic
                                Argus and the peacock/argus panoptes
                Phac/o                  lens                                        phacolysis
                Phak/o                                                                 aphakia/pseudophakia
                Phot/o                  light                                       photon
                Presby/o             old age                                 presbyoia
                Retin/o                 retina                                    retinoschisis/ photoretinitis
                                L. rete, net retiarius
                Scler/o                  sclera                                    sclerakeratoiritis
                Vitre/o                 glassy                                    vitreous humor
Suffixes of the eye
                -opia (vision)
                                Hyperopia (farsightedness)
                                Ambiopia (diopia) (double vision)
                                Isopia (equal vision in both eyes)
                                Myopia (nearsightedness)
                                Asthenopia (weak vision)
                                Amblyopia (dull vision)
Snellen Eye Chart

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3/23/11 Class Notes

Endocrine System
Today’s Lecture
                                Herodotus: Natron and mummification, uroscopy
                                Hormone suffixs symptomatic and diagnostic terms
Suffixes Hormones:
                -liberin  (releasing factor, to release a hormone)               Thyroliberin(Thyroliberin releases thyrotropin)
                -tropin  (stimulates)        Thyrotropin(stimulates the thyroid,literally)
                -statin   (standing, stops,inhibits a releasing)       Thyrostatin(inhibits thyroliberin)
                -tocin    (contractions,toc-to give birth)  Oxytocin(bring on stronger contractions)
                -lactin    (milk)    Prolactin(stimulating the milk in the breasts)
Islets of Langerhans and Insulin (L. Insula-islands) tissue saw little islands on the pancreas
                -pressin (to press)           Vasopressin(blood pressure constricts the arterials)
                -poietin( form or make)                                Erythropoietin(stimulates the making of red blood cells)
                -agon/-agogue (               to Lead or convey)          Glucagon(hormones that leads or conveys glucose)
                -gen(produce, create)   Estrogen(creates estro-drive )
Estrus Cycle- when female mammals are in heat
                Sarcrates-He was always questioning people, whether they knew what they thought they knew., they don’t know what they think they know.
Steroid Hormones
                Steroid Hormones
                                Sterol(gr. Stereos, solid + L/oleum, oil)
                                Sex hormones of the adrenal cortex
                                Progesterone (pro-before gest-to give birth)
Symptomatic Terms
                Hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood)
Your patient c/o frequent urination and excessive thirst.  The medial terms are these symptoms are:
                Polyuria(frequent urination), polydipsia(excessive thirst)
Which of the following medical terms means abnormally increased sodium…etc
                Calc/i-calcium (l.calx-lime)
                Kal/I-potassium(m.L. kalium-potash)
                Natr/o-sodium(l.L.natrium=Arabic natrun= gr. Nitron= Egyptian-ntr)
Herodotus: Natrium and Egyptian mummification
                5th BC greek historian AKA father of history
                Egyptian mummification 2.86-87
                Three different methods which Egyptian embalmers used to treat dead bodies.
                Natrium was used to dry out the body
Symptomatic terms
                This individual exhibits what symptom links with increased androgens as in the case of adrenal virilism?
                Hirsutism-(L. hirsutus-covered with hair, rough, shaggy)
                                Adrenal virilism(L. virilis-of a man, manly, male)
                This individual illustrates what symptom commonly associated with hyperthyroidism?
                                Exophthalmos/exophthalmus –eyes going outside the body  particularly with graves to disease
Diagnostic Terms
                Which of the following diseases is associated with excessive production of the adrenal gland:
                                Cushing’s Syndrome - hyperadrenocorticism
                                                Excessive swelling, change in mood
                What is the fundamental sign which distinguishes diabetes mellitus(DM) from diabetes insipidus(DI)?
                                Gr. Diabetes, passing through, i.e. urine
                                L. mellitus, honey sweet
                                L.L. insipidus, tasteless= in0’not’ + sapidus ’tasty’ *fig. meaning ’uninteresting, dull’
                Urban legend: modern doctor, what very closely, so you can be an experts and a great dr. know all the signs,
                Uroscopy vs. urine analysis
                                The color of the urine would give different diagnostics.  To tell what sicknesses you had, or where you were in your healing process. Looking at artwork if you have someone looking through a flask it isn’t a scientist it’s a physician
                Which of the following can be attributed to problems with the function of the pituitary gland:
a)      Acromegaly
b)      Gigantism
c)       Dwarfism
d)      Cretinism
Acromegaly (too much growth hormone after adolescent)
John Hunter(1728-1793) and the Irish Giant, Charles Byrne
                John Hunter is the Father of scientific surgeon infected himself with syphilis, tore his Achilles, cut into an animal to see how it healed vs. how it healed in a human.  Hunter wanted Byrne’s body, but he didn’t want to Hunter to have his body.  Hunter got Byrne’s body. 
                Children of gia (earth) machy means war, Olympians and the giants to show the Olympians were superior, titans were earlier versions of the Olympians.  Culture vs. nature
                Cretinism-(cretin-christian)-mental retardation prominent
                Pituitary dwarfism-shorter , height 4’11   
                Dwarf means little may have the problem with achondroaplasia , shorter limbs.
Which of the following is associated with hypothyroidism:
                Goiter(swelling in the neck)
                Myxedema(myx/muco-mucus) mucus swlling, waxy and hard

Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 Class Notes

Endocrine System
Today’s Lecture
                        Glands and hormones
                        Endocrine system, combining forms
Ancient Views on Glands
            Hippocratic text, on Glands
            Terms *aden or boubon
            Character: spongy, oily and not like fleshy parts
            Function: regulates bodily moisture, removes surplus fluid
            Pathologies: excess flow-“when they suffer they make the rest of the body suffer”  Thought process was probably lymph nodes.
            Bubonic plague swollen lymph nodes.  Carried by a flee, headaches, appetite changes,
Hormones (gr. Horman- to excite)
            Secretin-william bayliss and ernest starling-1902
            The brown dog affair-1903-1910 Bayliss got in trouble with a group because he didn’t anestitzed him.  He won 2000 lbs.  anti-doggers who were against the anti-vivisections.  Statue was burned down into pavement.(?)
            Dissecting a dog alive, when touching the stomach a chemical as secreted. 
Exocrine vs. Endocrine
            Exocrine-sebatous gland and they have a duct.
            Endocrine-to secrete within had no duct secrets it into the blood.
Endocrine System Overview
            Network of ductless glands and other structures
            Endocrine glands secrete hormones which affect function of targeted organs
Endocrine Glands
            Do not memorize all the hormones!  Know the diagnostic terms know what gland is causing the problem.
Combining Forms for the Endocrine System
            Aden/o            gland               adenoid(resembles a gland)/Adenine(-ine = carbon chemical ) / Adenase (-ase enzyme )/ Adenin(-in hormone )
            Pine/o              pineal Gland    pineoblastoma (-oma tumor blast-germs cell )/ Pineal Peduncle (peduncle – small foot )
            Pitu/I               pituitary gland                        pituicyte (pituitary cell)
            Pituit/o            (hypophysis)                pituitary fossa ( fossa- ditch shallow groove)
            Thyr/o             thyroid gland               thyroaplasia (lack of formation of the thyroid gland)
            Thyroid/o        thyroid gland               thyroidomania (abnormal inflammation)
Thereos (type of shield)
Parathydoid (along side the little shield)
            Thym/o            thymus gland/ mind    thymotoxic (adj. )/thymopoietin (hormone that makes
            Adren/o           adrenal gland              adrenotropic(turning and changing it)
            Adrenal/o                                            adrenotrophic(nutrition)
            Pancreat/o      pancreas                     pancreatolithectomy (removal of stones from the kidney)/ Pancreatoncus(cancerous tumor)
            Test/o              testis                testosterone(steroid produced from the testicles)
            Testis unus, testis nullus two witnesses to convict someone.
            Roman goddess of justice, justitia sword shows capital punishment.  Scales mean justice, blind to show not partial
            Ovari/o            ovary               ovariogenic (orgin or creation of overies)
            Ovar/I              ovary               ovariprival (privade-to remove prival removal the ovaries and consequences of that removal)
            Andr/o             male                androgen (substance that creates male characteristics)
            Gyn/o              female             androgynous (neutral features, cannot recognize the sex)
Hermaphrodites (has both male and female sex organs) son of hermes and aphrodites beautiful young man didn’t really want to react to females and a nymph goes after him and to make them one she combines her female parts with his male parts.
            Crin/o              to secrete        crinogenic (creation of secretion)
            -crine                                       holocrine (complete picture, secretes the whole thing, secretes some of it’s cells)
            Dips/o              thirst                polydipsia (excessive thirst)/ haemadipsa (thing thirsty for blood, leach)
            Gluc/o             sugar               cytoglucopenia(abnormal reduction in sugar in a cell)
            Glucos/o                                  glucose
            Glyc/o                                      hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood)
            Glycos/o                                  glycosuria (sugar in the urine)/ glycosialia (sugar in the siliva)
            Ket/o               ketone bodies  ketosis (excessive ketone bodies)/ ketoacidosis (because of ketone bodies have acidity in blood)
            Hormon/o       hormone         hormonagogue (to lead  or conveys a hormone or stimulated)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3/9/11 Class Notes

Psychiatric Christmas Carols
                Nscissism: Hark! The Heralds Angels Sing About me!
                Mania: Deck the halls and walls and house and lawn and streets and stores and office and town and cars and busses and trucks and trees and fire hydrands and..We need more holly.
                Paranoia: Santa claus is coming to get me!
                Obsessive-complusive disorder: jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, etc.
                Depression: silent anhedonia, holy anhedonia, all is flat all is lonely
                Schizophrenia: Do you hear what I hear?
                                4 temperaments, melancholy and hypochondriasis, epilepsy and the sacred disease
Terms: sympatic, diagnostic and psychiatry
Symptomatic terms
Which of the following words literally means ‘a condition of difficult articulation’?
Combining forms for the nervous system
                Lex/o                    word or phrase                 alexia(word blindness)
                Arthr/o                 articulation/joint              dysarthria
                Phas/o                  speech                                 sensory aphasia(talk to you can’t understand, or what’s read)
                Lal/o                      speech                                 laloplegia( -plegia paralysis complete paralysis of speech)
                Lag/o                     word                                     logorrhea(diarrhea of the mouth)
                Poliomyelitis (grey matter of the spinal cord inflammation)
                Polioencephalomeningomyelitis (grey matter in the brain and spinal cord and inflammation of menginges)
                Polioclastic (pertaining to the grey matter, breaking down)
What does myelomeningocele literally mean?
                Pouching of the spinal cord membrane
Spina bifida(cleft) occulta(hidden), meningocele(swelling of meninges), and myelomeningocele(spinal cord goes with the meninges)
Complete paralysis of one side of the body is:
                Hemiplegia(one side)
                Paraplegia(half body,below)
                Quadriplegia(four limbs)
Cerebral palsy(paralysis)
                Quadriplegia (all four limbs are involved)
                Dipleasia( all four limbs are involved. Both legs are more severly effected than the arms)
                Hemiplegia(one side of the body is affected.  The arm is usually more involved than the leg)
What type of epilepsy is a major motor seizure involving all muscle groups characterized by violent movements?
                Grand mal seizure & tonic(muscle tension)-clonic seizure            
                ABSENSE SEIzure (small sprint of falling asleep) petit mal seizure (same as prior)
Epilepsy (gr. Epilepsia-to seize upon) the gods were coming upon someone (either pos. or neg.)
Seizure ( seisir, to take possession of)
Hippocrates On the sacred disease
                5th BC
                Attacks the notion that the ‘sacred disease’ is caused by a visitation of the gods
                Provides a physiological explanation for the ‘sacred disease’
                The sacred disease is no more sacred than any other disease, nature is sacred so all disease is caused by nature so it’s sacred.  Essentially what happens when you’re born you have a lot of phlegm in their head and some have them cleaned out when we are born and some don’t and later on in life when the phlegm comes does it being cold, when it hits the heat of blood it causes convulsions.
Huntingtons chorea (HD)
Chorea and greek chorus
                Greek chorus, participate of people who would come out and sing and dance. Choreography
Terms related to the mind
                Psych/o (gr. Psyche-soul, mind)-psychosis(condition of the mind, hallucinations dilusions)
                Phren/o (gr. Phren-midriff, mind)-schizophrenia(dillusions)
                Thym/o(gr. Thumos-emotion,mind)- dysthymia(difficult emotion, chronic depression)
                Ment/a(l. mens-thought, mind)-dementia(away from ones mind, loss of mental function progressive)
                No/o(gr. Nous-intellect, mind)-paranoia(abnormal mind condition, persecution type of thought)
                **neur.o(gr. Neuron, nerve sinew)-neurosis(mal adaptive condition, overreact, OCD)
Thumos thymus gland thumOs emotion passion
A symptomatic terms
                A restless, dissatisfied mood is associated with which term?
                                Dysphoria (baring difficultly)
                                Euphoria (baring something well, exaggerated state of thinking of wellness)
                                Apathy( lack of emotion)
                What is the difference between a delusion and delirium?
                                Delusion(l. deludere-to deceive)
                                Delirium(l. de + lira-furrow) (away from the row)(not in touch with reality)
                                                Via appia-deviant behavior(going away from the norm)
Which of the following is a mood disorder?
                Manic depression(bipolar)
                Autism (condition of the self)(can’t relate outside themselves)
                Ideation(form, species, process of ideas, suicidal tendencies or thoughts that keeps coming back)
Mania-maenad(women followers of dianysis, get into an ecstatic state doing crazy stuff king of thieves rejected dianysis and he goes out to get the king and gets him to see  and they rip him to shreds)
Which of the following are anxiety disorders?
                All of them
                Phobia-phobos the greek god of fear (son of aries and aphriditi)
                Aries in greek mythology is looked down upon, associated with disorderly war.  Athena is positive sense.  Aries in roman he is positive
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces/outdoors)
Panic disorders (god pan, idea of too much anxiety over something unrealistic)(battle of marathon, pan goes off to marathon ..etc)
Four temperaments(too much)
1.       Choleric (yellow bile, short tempered)
2.       Melancholic (black bile, smarter, mania, depressed)
3.       Phlegmatic ( phlegm, lethargic)
4.       Sanguine ( blood, amorous, full of love, passionate)
Hypochondriasis(lower than the cartilage) and melancholy
                Galen believed that black bile was in the spleen.  Black bile could produce a state where you focus too much on your sickness and you’re depressed.
Anorexia nervosa –an/orex (gr. Orexis-appetite)/ia
Bulimia nervosa (gr. Boulimia-ravenous hunger)
                Parorexia(abnormal condition of appetite, for foods that are abonormal)
                Xenorexia( desire for things that are foreign)
                Hyperorexia (
                Orthorexia nervosa(focus on eating good foods excessively)