Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28/11 class notes & house question quiz today

NOTE: not completely finished notes, he was talking quite fast today!  Sorry guys!

Respiratory System
Today’s Lecture
Respiration, classification and aristotle’s scala naturae
Plant life has certain soul’s.  lower soul for Aristotle.  Animals on the other hand, motion, reproduction, higher sole, humans have rational soul.  Animals that have blood and don’t, blood less animals have lesser souls, animals who do have blood fish don’t have lower souls.  Mankind and a lion mankind has more blood vessels in their lungs to cool off, so they were higher up.
Christian Scala naturae, god angels mankind animals plants etc.
                Nature designs things, certain souls have a certain body. Telos-end of something.
Combining forms for the respiratory system
                Nas/o    nose      nasogastric tube(put it end to provide nourishment)/nasendoscope(what’s in the nose)
                Rhin/o                  rhinorrhea (runny nose)/rhinolith (stone inside the nose)
Rhinolith              picture
                Sinus/o                 sinus(l. fold, curve)                         sinusitis(inflammation of the sinus’s)
L. sinus-fold, curve, bending
Paranasal(along side nose) sinus
                Ethmoid(seed/strain) sinus, maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus
Or/o      mouth                  oronasal (pertaining to the nose and mouth)/oroantral(antral, cave)
Palat/o                 palate                   palatorrhaphy(surgical repair of palate )/palatoschisis(split/cleft palate )
Palatoschisis-cleft palate
L. palatum you taste with the palate.  Aristotle said you tasted with your tongue
                Tonsil/o                tonsil     tonsillectomy(incision of the tonsils)/tonsillotome(device for cutting)
                Uvul/o                  uvula     uvuloptosis(downward displacement.)
L. tonsilla=almonds         L. uvola=small bunch of grapes
Laryng/o              larynx                    laryngocentesis( surgical puncture of the larynx) laryngophthisis(wasting of the larynx)
                Pharyng/o           pharynx               pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat)/pharyngoxerosis(dry throat)
                Nasopharynx, oropharynx, etc.
                Trache/o              trachea tracheostomy (to create an opening in the trachea)tracheostoma(hole in the trachea)
                NB. Trachel/o=neck*usually refers to uterus i.e. trachelectomy (removing the neck of the uterus)
                Bronch/o             bronchus             bronchostaxis (dripping in the bronchus)
                Bronchi/o                            bronchiocele(swelling of bronchus)/bronchiloquy(speaking for your bronchus)
                Bronchiol/o        bronchiole          bronchiolectasis (dialation of the bronchioles)
                Alveol/o               small cavity
                L. alveolus-small cavity/bucket
                Thorac/o              chest     thoracostomy (surgical procedure cut a whole)drain/thoracentesis (surgical puncture )
Treatments of pleural effusion
Pneum/o             air/lung                                pneumopericardium (air structure around the heart /pneumohemothorax ( )/pneumoconiosis(
Pneumon/o                       pneumonia
Pulmon/o            lung       pulmonologist/pulmonary edema (swelling of the lung)
Lob/o                    lobe       lobectomy/lobotomy
Lobes of the lungs
Upper, medium, lower lobe (right lung)  upper and lower lung (left lung)
Pleur/o                 pleura                   pleuroclysis(washing of pleura)/pleural effusion(to pour out pleural)
Creation of eve –in Hebrew pleuran  eve was created from the side of adam.
                Parietal (pertaining to the wall) pleura/ viscera pleura (pertaining to organ)
Phren/o               diaphragm/mind              phrenic (pertaining to the diaphragm)/ phrenetic (manic paced)
Gr. Thought you had thoughts in your mind.
Capn/o                 carbon dioxide(gr. Kapnos-smoke)          hypercapnia
Carb/o                  L. carbo-carbon                 hypocarbia
Ox/o                      oxygen                 hypoxemia
                NB.Oxy-sharp,acute, acid,pungent,-oxygen, oxyphile(likes acidic solutions),oxylalia(talks acute, talks fast)
Spir/o                    breathing                            spirometry(measuring breath)/ inspire (breathing in)/respire(breathing together)
-pnea (suffix)                    breathing                            eupnea(normal breathing)/apnea(substation of breathing for a period of time)/orthopnea(upright breathing okay but laying down breathing not okay)

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Class notes

Blood and lymphatic system
                ‘if it bleeds, we can kill it.’-dr. Schwarzenegger
Today’s lecture
Miasma, sepsis, and lister
Combining forms
Venesection(vein, cut)/phlebotomy(ton, vein)
                Bleeding and bloodletting,
                Venesection, blood is a humor and if you have too much of it, it can create residue and rot, so you’d remove the excess blood, or they had too much naturally.  If someone has too much blood lets remove it before hand so it doesn’t cause prettification.  Too much blood causes a fever. Would bleed in one area, they would cut you higher up so that you can control it. 
Barber surgeon
                Barb (beard) barbers were medical practitioner would do minor surgeries .  go to the barbor, you can get an enima, teeth pulled, blood, shave, pole they would show the bloody rags after the venesections.
                Diagnosis, not treatment.  Drains blood.  Looking for infections, different types of blood cells, rate of coagulation. 
Components of the blood.
                Plasma, is the fluid that goes around the cellular components.
                Cellular components include: whiteblood cells, platelets, red blood cells.
                Serum, clotted blood.
Hematocrit –gr. Krinein to judge, separate. Hemato – blood
                -plasm –gr. Plasma-anything molded or formed
                                Plasmapheresis (to lift away from plasma)
                                Plasmid(-id living substance, part of a living substance)
                                Plasmin(-in substance itself)
                                Neoplasm(neo-new formation)
                                Protoplasm(proto-first  type)
                                Ectoplasm(ecto-outside of)
Serum-L. serum-whey
                Ser/o-blood serum (or clear bodily fliud)
                                Serous (clear fliud of membrane)
                                Seroculture (serum and growing bacteria to find what the bacteria is)
                                Truth serum (produce of the antibodies from an animal)
Little miss muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey…
                Milk byproduct clear stuff in yogurt is whey.
-cyte = cell
                Erythrocyte –red blood cells
                Leukocytes-white blood cells
                Thrombocytes-platelets clot cell
-phil-attraction to, tendency towards, craving for
                Neutrophil (l. neuter-neither)
                Basophil (gr. Basis-step, base)
                Eosinophil (gr. Eos-rose colored)
Eos, greek goddess of he sunrise-‘rosy-fingered dawn’
                Eos pursuing tithonus – tithonus Trojan prince.  She catches him, he gets promised eternal life, body doesn’t stay normal and young.
Cyt/o gr. Kutos-vase or jar
Cell-L. cella-room
-cytosis condition of cells
                Microcytosis(increase amount of something small, red blood cells)
                Anisocytosis (unequal sizes)(an-not iso-equal)
                Poikilocytosis(irregular shape)(poikilos-diverse)
                Reticulocytosis(net cells young red blood cells being produced)(reticula-net)
-Anemia (gr. An-not haima-blood)
                Aplastic(lack of formation) anemia-         normocytic-normochromic(normal size cell-normal color)
                Pernicious anemia           macrocytic(large cells)-normochromis(normal color)
                Iron deficiency anemia-                                microcytic(small cells)-hypochromic(decreased color)
                Leukemia (condition of blood, cancer)
                Polycythemia (many cells condition of cells)
                Septicemia (sept/I (gr. Sepsis-to make, rotten, spoil) putrefaction
NB. Sept/o-septum        sept/i-seven
Sepsis before germ theory
                Sepsis-putrefaction of blood or other humors
Joseph Lister (1827-1912)
                On the antiseptic principles of the practice of surgery-1867
                -ine used for protein
                Tox/I, tox/o, -tox-poison
                                Toxicology(study of toxins)
                Apollo and arthemis killing niobe’s children with a toxon=bow and arrows
Lympthatic system
                One way street. Not circulatory
                Clear fluid (water, fluid, fat)
Lympathic system overview
                Filters microorganisms and foreign particles
Lymphadenopathy (lymph node swollen)
Lymphangitis (lymph duct, vessel, gets infected hot painful to touch)
                Maintains the body’s internal fluid environment
Lymphokinesis(movement of lymph) motion and pressure gradient
                (High pressure)Blood capillaries>interstitial fluid> lymph capillaries> lymph veins>lymph ducts>large circ. Veins(low pressure)
Lymphedema (gr. Oidemia-swelling)
                Carries fats away from the digestive organs
Chyle (chylo or chyl/i
                Chylothorax-chylous effusion (out of pouring)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2/23/11 Med Term

Cardiovascular System
Today’s lecture:
                                Galen’s model of the cardiovascular system, circulation and William Harvey, pulse terminology and herophilus
                                Symptomatic and diagnostic
Galen’s cardiovascular system
                Tripartite soul- Liver(has a soul, or power for appitite, natural spirit.), heart(l. vertical where the heat is, vital spirit), brain(Animal spirit, ventricals of the brain)
                Venous blood(dark red) vs. arterial blood(light red) blood is made in the liver, nutritious value, all veins come from the liver.  Lungs take away the impurities of the blood. all arteries come from the heart.  Goes out to the body.  But to keep the body warm. Goes up to the brain into the miraculous neck.   Nerves are in the brain. 
                Pores in septum
                No circulation blood has to be eaten up by the body.
Leonardo’s Galenic Heart
                Saw the body through Galen’s eyes.
Circulation and William Harvey
                For the concept of a circuit of the blood does not destroy, but rather advances traditional medicine.
                William Harvey 1649
                Had an idea of a pulmonary circulation, corrected galen on the pores.
Harvey’s Proof
                Calculation of blood produced each day.
                Valves and direction of blood
                Color of the blood in the pulmonary vein
                Process of blood moving in circles. Three different types of circulation.
Types of Circulation
                Coronary (oxygen to heart)
                Pulmonary (blood gets oxygenated, through the lungs)
                Systemic (after it goes through the blood)
Symptomatic Terms
                A narrowing of the mitral valve is a stenotic bicuspid valve.
Mitre (gr. Mitra-headband, Persian head-dress)
Diagnostic terms
                Bradycardia and tachycardia are placed under what broad diagnostic category?
Herophilus and the pulse terminology
                Herophilus (c. 330-260 BC) he’s thinking the arteries not the heart
                                Diastole-gr. Diastellein-to exapand
                                Systole-gr. Systellein-to contract
                                Rhythm-gr. Rhuthmos-proportion how regular it is.
                Believed that different ages you had a different heart rate
Symptomatic terms
                                Eury-wide, broad
Europe, Europe and the euro
                Europa, wide face, she’s a princess, she’s wondering around the seashore, zeus thinks she attractive, and he turns into a bull, he wisps her off and she has three kids.  Could never find her, so that’s why Europe is named what it is.  Euro greek one has europa on it.
                Euro means Europe
Types of aneurysms
                Saccular l. saccus-bag, sack
                                Saccus lacrimalis (tear sack)
                Fusiform l. fusus-spindle
                Dissecting l. dis-apart + secare-to cut
                                Transaction(cutting aross)
Symptomatic terms
                A patient comes to your office c/o profuse sweating( diaphoreisis), chest pain (angina pectoris) and racing heartbeats(palpitations). What are the medical terms for this patients conditions?
                Diaphoresis (phoresis=gr. Phorein-to bear or carry)
                Angina pectoris
                Palpitation (l. palpitare-to move quickly, tremble, or throb)
NB. Palpation (l. palpare-to stroke or touch)
                What is the term which literally means ‘a condition where blood is held back’?
                                Ischemia gr. Ischein-to hold back
NB. Ischi/o ischium bone of your hip.
                What is the difference between constriction(narrows), occlusion(closed off completely), and obstruction(blocked, but some flow going through)?
                Constringere-to draw together
                Stringere-to draw tight
                Ob-before, in front of
                Claudere-to shut, close
                Fetal inclusion(blocked in) when you have twins, and one is inside the other one.
                Malocclusion(bad closing off) talking about teeth, not a good closure
                Ob-before, in front of
                Struere-to build, pile up
                Plaque build up in a vessel
Symptomatic terms
                What is the difference between a thrombus(stationary blood clot) and an embolus(blood clot that is moving)?
                Thrombus gr.thrombos-for lump, piece)-stationary blood clot
                Embolus gr. Emballein-to throw into-a clot carried in the blood stream that obstructs a vessel
Embolus (gr.)
Rostrum(l. beak/prowel of a war ship) and the rostra
                NB. Rostrum(nose, animal with beak), rostrate(beak like structure), rostrocaudal (pertaining to the tail, and the nose or the beak, head to tail)
L. Fundere-to pour
                Perfusion (per-)to pour through an area
                Effusion (ec-)pouring out of fluid into another space
                Suffusion (sub-) pouring on lotion on something
                Infusion (in-) pouring into the body (IV)
                Diffusion(dis-) pouring apart higher concentration moving to a lower concentration (osmosis)

Monday, February 21, 2011

2/21/11 Class notes

Ch. 5 Cardiovascular System
Today’s Lecture
                                Aristotle’s heart
                                Combining forms
Aristotle’s Heart
                Aristotle (384-322 BC)
                Most important organ
                                Vital heat, intellect, motion, sensation
                                Left, right, and middle cavities (koiliai)
                Beyond the natural world, what is good, what is bad.  Metaphysical.  Aristotle was interested in how the world itself worked.  He liked to look at comparative anatomy.  He called the heart the most important organ in the heart.  We think it’s important because it brings oxygen into our body and blood.  He thought that it was because of the vital heat in our body.  The respiratory system was used to cool off this heat.  It was where you had rational thought, controlled movement, essentially what we know the brain controls.  When you get agitated or nervous or excited, your heart starts to race, so he thought the heart controlled emotion.  He thought the brain did sympathy(feeling together)  The brain cooled off the heart, vaporization and the brain is what is cooling off the heart.  If someone gets hit in the head, and lose balance, he thought that it was because the brain was no longer able to cool the heart and that’s why you lost balance. 
                The reason he thought there were so many chambers, the right atrium was just an extension of the venicata, so the left atrium and a two ventrical heart.  So three chambers. 
Animals with three chambered hearts
                Amphibians(3 chambered hearts), turtles(three chamber hearts-septated), birds and mammals(4 chambered heart).
                No one really knows why Aristotle thought we had a three chambered heart.
                Galen knew there was a four chambered heart. 
Structure of the heart. 
                Do not need to know the flow of the blood.
                Know endocardium, spetum, aorta,
Combining Forms for the cardiovascular system
                Vessel                   angi/o                   angiography (process)/angiograph (device)/angiogram (record)
                                                Vas/o                    vasectomy (removal) / vasoligation (process –lig-tying off something)
                                                Vascul/o              vascular (adj. ) Vasculogenesis(the process of creating vessels)
NB L. vas=vessel; eg. Vas deferens (the vessel to carry away from) vas afferens(vessel to carry towards) vas aberrans(vessel that was wondering off or away from)
Gr. Graphein-to draw or write
                -graphy –process/act
                -gram-picture, record
                -graft-transplanted tissue or the process of transplanting tissue
Ligation (L. ligare-to bind)
Combining forms for the cardiovascular system
                Aorta                     aort/o                   aortoclasia (breaking of the aorta)/ aortomalacia (soft aorta)
                Atery                     arteri/o                                arteriosclerosis (hardening of the artery) arteriorrhexis (rupture of the artery)/ arteriolitis (arteriole)
Ateriole and venule
                Fatty paste (lipid)             ather/o                artherosclerosis (species of arteriole sclerosis
Gr. Athere-gruel
                Heart                     cardi/o                  cardiomyopathy(heart muscle disease)/cardiotachometer(heart speed measurer)
NBL Cor=heart eg. Cor pulmonale (pulmonary heart, right ventricle is hypertrophic, obstruction of the pulmonary artery)
                Circle, Crown                     Coron/o               coronary artery disease
Corona-garland or crown
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Coroner ( the guard of the crown, started by Richard the lion heart to get money, would make sure the taxes were collected.)(does an autopsy, he would see about deaths to see if they were natural or others and if they were buried, so that they wouldn’t get taxed)
                Myscle                  my/o                     myocardial infarct (muscle of the heart is stuffed)
Symptomatic and diagnostic terms
                What is an infarct?
                                L. to stuff in
                Constriction, atheromatcus plaque, thrombus, embolus, ischemia, infarction
                Chest                    pector/o                              pectoralgia (chest pain) pectoriloquy (chest speech)
                                                Steth/o                                                stethomyositis (chest muscles) stethoscope (comes from the shape and who invented it)
Rene T. H. Laennec-1816 made a device that looked like a telescope but he would listen to heart beats of larger people that he couldn’t get a chance to hear the heart beat
                Pulse                     sphygm/o                           sphygmomanometer (device that measures the pulse with the hand)
                Clot                        thromb/o                            thrombocyte/thrombogenic(adj. ability to form a clot) /thromboplastic(formation of a clot)
                Swollen, twisted vein     varic/o                  varicosis (condition of vessels being twisted)/varix/varices (one/more than one twisted vein)
Vein                       ven/o                    venous hyperemia (venus pooling)/ venovenostomy(-stomy making an opening )(venoveno-two veins)
                                                Phleb/o                                phlebotomy (incision into the vein)(draw blood)/phlebectopia (condition where the vein is outplaced) phlebectasia(dialation of a vein)
Atrium                  atri/o                     interatrial septum (division between the atrium)  atrioseptopexy (fixation of the septum and the atrium)(repair when you have a defect)/atriotome(-tome device that cuts into the atrium)
Ventricle                              ventricul/o                          ventricular (pertaining to the little belly)/atrioventricular(pertaining to the atrium and ventricle)
Roman Atrium (the foreroom)
Gr. Stoma-mouth
                Anastomosis (putting two veins together)
L. loqui –to speak –phas/o
                Amphoriloquy (deep sound)



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/16/11 Class Notes

Musculoskeletal System
                Reduction (I lead the bone back into position)
                Open Reduction (cut open and put the bones back into place)
                Closed Reduction (don’t have to cut open)
                Internal fixation (screws)
Today’s Lecture
                                Hippocratic Othropedics
Bone and Joint
                Hippocratic treatises -5th and 4th BC
                                On joints
                                On fractures
                                Same author. Had a good idea with bones, not doing human anatomy.  Had a good idea of how the bones worked.  Good things about relocations, and dislocations, fractures, things to dealing with the femur to the clavical and nose, they don’t do anything with the skull.  Differentiates between a compound fracture and an orthosis (straighten out/ splint) really well done texts, pretty sober minded gives advice as far as what you should do or  shouldn’t do.
Reducing-Fractures, dislocations, and subluxations
                Dislocations (l. locus-place)-out of place
                Luxation (l. luxare-to dislocate)
                Subluxation-less than dislocated partially out of the socket.
                                Getting tied up to the latter and drop the later to straighten out the spine.  This was more for show than anything else.
Hippocratic bench
                Reducing bones, to get traction.  Traction machines, not used for relocating bones or joints, they are used to relax muscles.
Part of a long bone
                                Physiatrist-not doing surgery, physical therapy , md.
                                Physician-people who were university educated and studied physics (idea of the study of the body) you were a physician if you learned this, if you didn’t learn from the school.  empirisist
                                Apophysis (apo-away from physis –growth plate)  bone growth away from growth place
                Meta can mean near
                Metaphysic near the growth place
                Diaphysis –between the growth place
                Epiphysis-upon the growth place
                NB phys/o-air or gas eg. Physometra(woman having air or gas in the uterus)
Body positions
                Supine(face up)
                Prone(face down)
                Right lateral recumbent(laying on the right side)
Left lateral recumbent(laying on the left side)
Deubitus (l. deumbo-I lie down)
                Decubitus ulcers (cuts off oxygen to the tissue and that causes these ulcers)
What is decubation?  The process of lying down
Terms of position
                Anterior-posterior(AP x-ray)up the person laying in supine
                Posterior-anterior(PA x-ray) back first then out the front prone
                Proximal vs. distal
                                Origin of the structure(bone) What is closest to the middle (proximal) Distal is further away from middle
                                Point of reference
Goni/o (Gr. Gonia-angle) How much motion has in a joint
                NB Gon/o=semen, genitals, generation
Sympotamic and diagnostic terms
                A grating sound made by movement of some joints is called?
                                Crepitus L. crepitus-creak rattle, rustle, crackle
                A patient comes into your office complaining of joint and muscle pain, involuntary muscle contractions, and reduced muscle tone.  The medical terms for these symptoms are:
                Spasm (gr. Spasein-to convulse, draw, pull)
                                Tonic (sustained)
                                Clonic (alternate contraction and relaxation)
                Cramp (painful tonic spasm/sodium potassium problems)
                Tremor (L. tremor-a shaking)
                Tone(Gr. Tonos-stretched)
                                Hypertonicity, hypertonia(not enough inhibition to a muscle, is a more contracted position)
                                Opisthotonos (opistho-backwards)(backward tension literal)(backward bending-medical)
                Tetany (gr. Tetanus, straightened, stiff)
                                Tetanus(neurotoxin increases tone)
                                                Tetanus dorsalis(adj. stiffening towards the back)
                                                Tetanus lateralis(stiffening towards the side)
                                                Cryptogenic tetanus(pertaining to a hidden origin)
                Rigor (L. rigor-stiffness, hardness)
                                Rigor mortis (stiffness of death)
Diagnostic terms
                Plantar fasciitis (pertaining to the bottom of the foot inflammation of the fascum (connective tissue)) (helps with motion, acts like a spring, usually have bad foot mechanics, or have bad shoes because they aren’t supportive enough)
Fasci/p-Fascia(wide band)
Myositis ossificans
                Muscle inflammation which is making bone
                Heterotopic bone grown (other of two trop(place) pertaining to bone growth where it shouldn’t be)
                Osteoarthritis is also called?
                                Degenerative arthritis
                                Degenerative joint disease (DJD)
                                                Typically affect the knee, hip, shoulder trauma to the cartilage, and breaks down the cartilage
                Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)(looks like a flow, flowing from a membrane)(Bilateral)
                                (Gr. Rheuma –Flux,flow)
                                                Chronic, systemic inflammation
                                                Hands and feet are typically affected
                NB Rheum
                Gouty arthritis (L. gutta-drop)
                                Single joint
                                Hyperuricemia (too much acid in the blood) Often affects the big toe
What is the difference between
                Spondylosis(condition of the spine)Stiff, immobile condition of vertebrae due to joint degeneration
                Spondylolysis(Breaking down of the spine)the breaking down of the vertebral structure (Parsinterartcularis-between two joints on the vertebrae)
                Spondylolisthesis(slipping)(listhesis-a slipping) a forward slipping of the vertebra
                Osteomalacia (softening)vs. osteoporosis(holes,pathways)
Osteomalacia (caused by vitamin D deficiency) bone gets brittle
                Gr. Poros-passage
                                Decreased bone density and increased porosity