Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/30/11 Class Notes

The Eye
Today’s Lecture
                                Euclid’s optics/celsus describption of the eye
Symptomatic Terms
What does the root scotoma mean?
                Darkness, tumor of darkness
                Scotophobia-fear of the dark
                Scotopia(condition of vision in darkness)/photopia(condition of vision in light)
Central Scotoma(black dot in center of eye) vs. scintillating scotoma (L.scintillare-to sparkle)
Horizontal gaze nystagmus(where your eye nods) (nustazein-to nod in sleep)
Ageotropic nystagmus(a-away geo-ground trop-to turn)
Describe these 3 eye conditions
Drooping of the eye-blepharoptosis
Eye colors two different colors- heterochromia
Pupil is one large and one small- miosis
                Miosis vs. meiosis
                                Mio- or meio- less, fewer (gr. Meiov, less)
                Meiosis (less chromosome, more cells)
Euclid’s Optics (c. 300BC)
                Greek Mathematician
Refractive Errors: Hyperopia(farsighted) and myopia(nearsighted)
Refractive errors: Astigmatism(No Point)
                Cornea or the lens has a dent in it.  No focal point.  Not hitting on the center
Stigma and Stigmata
                St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
Diagnostic Terms
                The group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic nerve
                Glaucoma(increased pressure)
                Scleritis (inflammation of the sclera)
                Macular degeneration(pertaining to the macular, changes)
Glaucoma-can cause blindness if it’s severe enough
Athena Glaukopis (GR. glaukos-light blue/silver)
Glaucoma-looks like a cataract is one symptoms
                Cataract (L. cataracta- waterfall)
Couching cataracts
                Celsus (c. 25BC-50AD) De Medicina
                Eye doctors-medici ocularii
                Insert needle into the eye and push the cataract away from the pupil
A triangular or wing-like fibrous growth of conjunctival tissue that extends onto the cornea is:
                Aphakia-condition without a lens
                Epiphora-a-thing phor-to carry or bear born upon profuse crying
                Trichiasis- tric/o hair iasis-condition abnormal eye turned in and hair bothering the cornea
                Pterygium-right answer
Pterygium- Gr. Pterygion-wing
A type of strabismus in which the eye deviates toward the nose is:
                -on means structure
                Esotropia (eso, towards, trop-turning, ia-condition, eye turns towards the nose)
                Exotropia(eyes turned out)
Strabismus(gr. Strabismus-squinting syn. Heterotropia)
Eyelid dysfunction:Entropion(eye lid turns in) and ectropion (eye lid droops away from the eye)
                Calisis relaxation of the eye
The term sty(e) is used synonymously with:
                Chalazion-type of problem where you get swelling in the eye(hail stone) no infection
                Hordeolum-right answer(grain of wheat) infection occur at the border of the eye lid

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