Monday, March 7, 2011

3/7/11 Class Notes

Nervous System & psychiatry
‘Midway through the exam, Allen pulls out a bigger brain’
Today’s Lecture
                                Galen, nemesius of emesa, brain mapping
                                Combining forms
Combining forms for the nervous system
                Cerebr/o             cerebrum(L. brain)          cerebral cortex(pertaining to the cerebrum, cortex outer portion)
                Cortic/o                cortex(l. rind)
Cerebrum and cerebellum
                Cerebrum, corpus callosum, cerebellum, pons(bridge), medulla
                Cerebell/o          cerebellum (l. small brain)            cerebellifugal( )/cerebellipetal( )
                Fugal-L. fugere-to flee
                Petal-l. petere-to seek
                Encephal/o         entire brain        encephalatrophy(atrophy of the whole brain) / encephalomere(-mere part of the brain)
                Pons , ponti-, pontifex maximus (fex-maker the greatest maker of a bridge) (high priest)
Combining forms for the nervous system and psychiatry
                Ventricul/o         ventricle (little belly or pouch)   ventriculogram (picture of a ventricle)/ventriloquist(speaking from their stomach)
                Ventricular system of the human brain
                                Central part of the left lateral ventricle, third ventricle,…etc.
Galen, Nemesuis of Emesa and Brainmapping
                Christian philosopher/bishop,
                c. 390 AD, on the Nature of man
                frontal cavities-sensation and imagination
                central cavity-intellectual thought
                posterior cavity-memory
                Galen didn’t map the brain, nemesius of emesa was the first to map the brain, he wasn’t a physician.  ‘I want to prove that god created the human body’ Leonardo diVinci
Lobe, Gyrus, Modern brain mapping
                Frontal lobe, premotor area, motor area, general sensory area, sensory association area, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, visual association area, visual area, etc
Homunculus (little man)
                Homo- man or human being , same
Combining forms for the nervous system & psychiatry
                Thalam/o             thalamus/ chamber
                                Takes care of all sensation, hypothalamus –regulates metabolism fluid retention.
                Thalamus-chamber or inner room in an ancient greek house place where the mistress slept and you would keep your most valuable possesstions
                Mening/o            meninges (membrane)                 meningomalacia
                Meningi/o                                                                           myelomalacia/spondylomalacia
Menix-pl. meninges (gr. Membrane)
                Dura mater arachnoid    pia mater             brain
                The meninges are the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Arachne and Minerva (Athena)
                Arachne can weave very well, Athena is the godess of the arts.  Arachne says shes better than Athena.  Athena says are you sure want to say you’re better than Athena and she says yeah I’m better.  Athena hits arachne over the head and arachne hangs herself and Athena turns her into a spider so she can weave the rest of her life.
                Gangli/o               ganglion (gr. Knot)           ganglion
                Gli/o      glue       gliocyte (glue cell)
                Astrocyte (star cell)
Glial cell-gliocyte
                Ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes , astrocytes, microglial cells, dendrites
                Gnos/o knowing               agnosia (abnormal condition no knowledge)(no knowledge of sensations coming to you)
                Esthesi/o             sensation            paresthesia (abnormal sensation)
                Sthen/o                               strength               myasthenia gravis (lack of muscle strength)
                -mnesia                                memory               amnesia(lack of memory)/paramnesia(abnormal memory)
                Stere/o                                3 dimensional or solid    astereognosis (lack of knowledge of three dimensional objects)
                Top/o    place     atopognosia (condition where there is a lack of knowledge of place)
                Somat/o              body      somatanesthesia(loss of body sensation)
                Narc/o  stupor, sleep     narcotic (drug that affects the central nervous system but brings about sleep)
                Somn/o                                sleep     somnambulism (sleep walking)
                Hypn/o                 hypnosis, sleep, sleep inducing                                 hypnonarcosis (condition where the person is hypnotized and is accentuated and given narcotics)
                Thanat/o             death                    thanatobiological (pertaining to life and death or process of)
                Thanatos( god of a warriors death) and hypnos (god of sleep)
                -lepsy                    seizure                 narcolepsy (falling asleep)
                Gr. Lepsis-taking hold, seizing
                NB lept/o-thin, slight, delicate; e.g. leptomeninges (thin or delicate membranes)
                -plexy                   stroke                   apoplexy(stroke/bad hemorrhaging in an organ)
                NB. Plexus (l. braid) brachial plexus(pertaining to arm, network of nerves, or arteries)
                Kinesi/o               movement         dyskinetic
                Tax/o    order or coordination     ataxic speech (uncoordinated speech)
                -paresis                                slighter paralysis               oroparesis
                -plegia                  paralysis                               glossoplegia
                -asthenia             weakness                            phonasthenia (weakness of speech)/ myasthenia gravis
                NB. Esthesi/o(sensation) and sthen/o(strength)

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