Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TEST 5 STARTS HERE AND UP!! 3/28/11 Class Notes

NOTE: I forgot my laptop so these notes are just what was on the slides.  Sorry about that, and I don’t have many of the definitions so you’ll have to look those up and do some extra studying.  Sorry!

The Eye
Today’s Lecture
                                Ancient Theories of vision
                                Combining forms
Ancient theories of vision
                Extramission-visual perception is brought about by light emitted from the eye
                Intromission-vision perception is from something representative of the object coming in contact with the eye
Anatomy’s role in ancient theories of vision
                Aristotle’s version of the eye
                Galen’s version of the eye
                Iris, pupil, cornea, retina, lens, macula, optic nerve
Light terms
                Reflection(L. reflectere, to bend back)
                Refraction(L. refringere, to break up or back)
Combining forms for the eye
                Aque/o                                water                    aqueous humor/aqueductus cerebri
                                Roman aqueduct (pont du gard)
                Blephar/o            eyelid                    blepharochalasis/ blepharoptosis
                Conjuctiv/o        conjunctiva         conjunctivitis (pink eye)
                Corne/o               horny/hard(cornea)       corneal xerosis/ corneoblepharon
                Kerat/o                                                                                keratorrhexis
                Ir/o                        iris                                          iritis
                Irid/o                                                                     iridoplegia
                                Iris goddess of the rainbow/ messenger between heaven and earth
                Cycl/o                   circle(circular body)         cycloplegia
                Lacrim/o              tear                                        lacrimotome
                Dacry/o                                                                                dacryocystitis/ dacryadenalgia
                                Lacrimal apparatus
                                Lacrimal gland vs lacrimal sac
                Ocul/o                  eye                                        oculogyria
                Ophthalm/o                                                       ophthalmotropometer
                Opt/o                                                                    panoptic
                                Argus and the peacock/argus panoptes
                Phac/o                  lens                                        phacolysis
                Phak/o                                                                 aphakia/pseudophakia
                Phot/o                  light                                       photon
                Presby/o             old age                                 presbyoia
                Retin/o                 retina                                    retinoschisis/ photoretinitis
                                L. rete, net retiarius
                Scler/o                  sclera                                    sclerakeratoiritis
                Vitre/o                 glassy                                    vitreous humor
Suffixes of the eye
                -opia (vision)
                                Hyperopia (farsightedness)
                                Ambiopia (diopia) (double vision)
                                Isopia (equal vision in both eyes)
                                Myopia (nearsightedness)
                                Asthenopia (weak vision)
                                Amblyopia (dull vision)
Snellen Eye Chart

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