Friday, April 29, 2011

4/29/11 Class Notes

Female Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Hysteria and the wandering womb ancient midwifery
Combining forms for the female reproductive system
Hyster/o              uterus                   hysterectomy (removal of part or all of the uterus) / hysteria (very emotional/ pertaining to the womb)
                Gr. Hystere-womb/uterus
                Hysterike pnix-suffication pertaining to the uterus/womb
                Obstructed respiration, aphonia and seizure of the senses; uterus inflamed and retracted
                Wandering womb- believed that the womb could move, and the womb would press against different organs. 
                Metr/o                                                 endometrium ( ium- tissue/structure within the uterus)/ metrosalpingitis ( inflammation of the fallopian tubes and uterus)
                Gr. Metra-womb
                Infundibulum, uterine tube, fundus, uterus, endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium, vagina, cervix, etc
Adnexa-the accessoty structures
                External uterise orifce, ovarian vessels, ovarian fubria, ostulum etc
Uter/o                                                  in utero (in the womb) / uterotractor( tractor – pull or drag the uterus)
                Tractor- hook in to something and used to pull
NB. In vitro( in glass), in vivo ( in something that’s alive)
Salping/o             uterine tube      salpingocyesis ( -cyesis = gr. Kyesis-conception/ pregnancy, pregnancy related to the fallopian tube)
Ectopic pregnancy (away from place pregnancy)
Vagin/o                                vagina                   vaginomycosis ( condition of the vagina caused by fungus) / atrophic vaginitis (inflammation of vagina due to malnutrition) < thinning of the wall of vagina
                NB. Candidiasis (yeast infection)
Vagina – L. Sheath/ Scabbard
Colp/o                                                  colpoptosis (downward displacement of vagina) / colpocleisis (cleisis-surgical closure of vagina)
Similar suffixes
                Clysis –washing
                Clasis – breaking down
                Cleisis- closing or to close
Colpo-Gr. Kolpos-any hollow; deep fold in a garment
Vulv/o                  vulva                     vuluar pruritis (severe itching of vulva) / vulvocrural( pertaining to the vulvo and thigh)
Episi/o                                                  episiotomy( incision into the vulva)
                Gr. Epision – pubic region
Gynec/o              women                                gynecophonus ( voice like a women) / gynecopenic ( pertaining to female sex characteristics)/ gynecology (study of female organs)
The formation of the first women – Pandora
                Hesiod’s works and days
                ‘all –gifted’
                Brings suffering/ disease in the world
                                Pandora is given to man-kind as a punishment.  Promethius(gave fire back to man-kind) and Epimethius  gives pandora she has a jar in this jar has all kind of evils and those being disease.  She opens up the jar and out of it comes the disease. 
                Obstetr/o            midwife               obstetrics (pertaining to the women up to 40 days)
                NB. Puerperium ( pediatrition after 40 days)
Woman and Ancient midwifery
                Soranus (2nd AD) gynaecology mainly about obstetrix
                Ideal Midwife (Gr. Maia; L. obstetrix) women should have very long fingers she needs to be very strong very intelligent and well read she determines after the baby is born is going to be nurtured or expose the baby.  If you put it on the ground and if it cries a lot then keep the baby if it doesn’t cry it won’t be nurtured if the baby doesn’t go to full term don’t raise the baby or if it had a birth defect dispose of the baby.  Pre-christian Greeks and romans that you have acquired values if you can’t function in society you can’t be valuable.  Drag in the family and a drag on society.  Law saying you can’t expose children and you can give it away
                Lact/o                   milk                        lactogen (creates milk) / lactigerous ( ous adj. lacti milk ger conveys or bears milk
                Mamm/o             breast                   mammoplasty (surgical reconstruction of the breasts) / mammotrophic ( pertaining to growth of breasts)
                Mast/o                                                 mastectomy ( removal of breasts)
Suffixes – mastia and –mazia
                Hypermastia/macromastia (breasts are exceedingly large)
                Hypomastia / micromastia (breasts are small)
                Polymastia/polymazia (more than one breast)
                Gynecomastia (female breast tissue on a male)
Amazia and amazons
                Warrior women mentioned in the illiad and elsewhere in greek and roman literature
                Equals of men
                Without breast?
                Saying they cut off one breasts to better throw a spear and shoot and arrow  when the heroes defeat an amazon they are like putting women back in their characteristics of the Greeks. 
                Men/o                  menstruation                    amenorrhea ( without monthly discharge)/ menopause ( cessation of menstruation  ) / menostasis ( temporary pause in menstruation ) / menostaxis ( staxis – dripping monthly , excessive bleeding for a longer period) / menoplania ( bleeding out of the place she shouldn’t bleed)/ menarche ( first / beginning menstruation)
                NB. Men/o         Gr. Men – month

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4/27/11 Class Notes

House Quiz Wednesday of next week.
Male Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Herm-head of hermes, boundary stone, and protection.
An erect penis, means something that had power.
Uncircumcised penis.
Diagnostic terms
                Stenosis or narrowness of the perputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penise.  The condition is treated by circumcision.
                Phimosis(right answer)
                Balanitis(inflammation f the glans penis)
                Meatitis(inflammation of the whole in the penis)
                Hypospadia( hypo+span-to draw, pull)
Phimosis-(Gr. Phimos-muzzle)
                Causes skin to close up on the penis
Circumcision in the greek and roman world
                They did not circumcise, jews and Egyptians did circumcise.
Roman pretty important to know if you are circumcised.  To know if you were jewish or another race.  Could be negative if you were circumcised. 
Celsus’ decircumcision operation.
                Decoris causa cut around the glans penis and pull it up then put a plaster around it to become uncircumcised.
When a whole is in the vagina to happen women, phimosis and circumcision can happen to women
Epispadia-the whole is on the top. Hypospadia the whole is on the bottom.
Diagnostic terms
                The synonym for imponence.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)-
                Impotence(without power/ability)
                Hippocrates, Airs Waters and Places(22) Attempts to provide a natural explanation for impotence among the Scythians.  Different areas and their relationship to disease.  Scythians incidence of ED they are feminine because Greeks didn’t like how they dressed, they aren’t sexually active and maley.  Scythians are famous for riding horses.  If you ride a horse often you damage the blood vessels down in the penis so they have ED.  As soon as the men have these problems they put on womens clothing.
Priapism(errection for over 4 hours) and Priapus(priapus has a very large penis )
                Ithyphallic (pertaining to the penis ithy-straight) diety who has erect penis
                Ithylordosis ( where the lordic curve in your back is straight)
                Ithygenic ( produces gen and creates an errection)
                Ithyphallalgia ( pain when someone has an errection)
                Phalloncus ( tumor on the penis)
                Phallocrypsis ( Penis is in the body where you can’t see it)
Peyronie’s disease
                Plaque in the penis, will cause a deviation in the penis, will cause ithyphallalgia during sex.  Surgically is the best way to correct.  Make a cut then straighten the penis but it shortens the penis.
Satyriasis(excessive sexual desires) and Nymphomanis(women’s satyriasis)
                Satyr’s goat legs large penis that’s erect.  Larger penis doesn’t mean you’re manly means you aren’t able to control you’re sexual desires.  Smaller penis means more civilized.
                Nymphomania- nympha represents a stream, the deities are known for grabbing young men and mate with them and typically the men don’t come back and the men become sex slaves.  Or wanting to be married multiple times so to have sex many times.
Sexually transmitted diseases(STD) = venereal Disease
                Venus-Roman goddess of Love
Ancient Male Contraception
                Rhythm method – when the women will be able to be pregnant and have sex only when she can’t get pregnant.
                Coitus interruptus – pull out before ejaculate
                Diet- thought they could control semen production by their diet, men would eat drying foods.
                Infibulations- stick a pin through the fore skin and closing it off. 
                Vasotomy?- cutting behind the ear but no medical text that talks about it.
                Condoms?- no condoms.  First condom is in 1618 not for contraception but to stop getting a sexually transmitted disease.  And it was reusable. 
Sexual Diseases in Greek Medicine
                No such thing as a sexually transmitted disease.  Had no idea of infections.  They didn’t think of diseases of sex be able to pass from one person to the other.  They thought it had to deal with the seed.
                Gonorrhea(can’t keep seed in so it leaks out) vs. satyriasis(believed women could get it too, more seed was going to be more sexually active)
                Contagio-L. contamination by touch, not an infection and didn’t deal with STD’s
Need to know the difference between Bacterial(can live outside the body) and Viral(needs a host to replicate virus means poison.)
Bacterial STD
                Which of the following are bacterial STDs:
                                Hepatitis B-no
                1530, Girolamo Fracastoro, Syphilis Morbus Gallicus(disease of the French)
                ‘A night in the arms of venus leads to a lifetime on mercury’ great pox named syphilis
                Treatment – something to do with semen production.  Stars caused syphilis under certain movements.  Treatment for it was mercury after they figured out it was an STD mercury made you sweat and salivate. 
Viral STDs
                Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
                Herpes Simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
                Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)
                Human papilloma Virus(HPV)

Monday, April 25, 2011

HERE AND ABOVE TEST 7 4/25/11 Class Notes

Male Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Where does the male ‘seed’ come from?
                Hippocratic work: On generation or ‘on the seed’
                Derived from all humors of the body. Contribute to semen. Ejaculation occurs because a man gets agitated and the fluid comes from the marrow of the brain and then comes out and goes behind the ear goes down the back and goes straight out the penis.  To make someone no longer produce semen they would cut behind their ear. 
                Thinking about semen as a seed and fluid.
                Moves from the spinal marrow by the kidneys in the veins to the testicles and then out the penis. 
Ancient Theories of the seed
                Gone(gr. Seed, offspring), Sperma (gr. That which is sown, seed). Semen(L. what is sown, seed)
                Efficient(domino effect), formal(have to have two dogs to make a dog) and material(matter out of which something is made) cause
                Aristotle-one seed system (males are the only one who produce seed, they produce the efficient and formal cause.  Female produces the material cause, no seed.  Male gives life and form, but female gives humors. Men are perfection, women are imperfection)
                Galen-two seed system(females produce seed and males produce seed females produces efficient formal and material cause, male produces efficient formal and material cause but are more superior, Galen doesn’t think highly of women, and never got married, hated his mother)
Combining forms for the male reproductive system
                Balan/o                                glans penis                          balanitis(inflammation of the glans penis)/ Balanorrhagia(blood discharge from glans penis)
                Balanos(Gr. Acorn)
                Epididym/o         epididymis (didymis=twins)        epididymodeferential(pertaining to the epididymis and vas deferens)
                Gr. Epi-upon+ didymous-twins
                -didymus(twins) and –pagus(fixed)
                Gastrodidymus(conjoined twin joined at the stomach)
                Craniodidymus(joined but have two heads)
                Craniopagus(joined at the head to a whole other person)
                Rachiopagus(joined at the spine/spinal column)
                Ischiopagus(joined at the pelvis)
                Hemipagus(two people joined but two arms and legs between them)
                Cryptodidymus(conjoined twin with one inside the other)
                Orch/o                  testis or testicle                                anorchism(lack of one or both testicles)
                                                                                                Cryptorchism(testicle is hidden doesn’t desend on a child)
                Orchi/o                                                                 orchiopexy(fixation of testicles/used with cryptorchism)
                Orchid/o                                                              orchidectomy(removal of testis)
NB Male castration=orchidectomy, orchectomy (specific to males) women can have castrations as well
Castration of Uranus( Uranus is the god of the sky or heavens, he is the son of Gia/Earth they have a incectual relationship.  Heavens water the earth, keeps his penis inside her so she can’t produce what she’s supposed to produce.  Make it fertile.  She has a child chronos to conspire against the father and he castrates his father and frees heaven away from earth.  Would see heaven as a dome over a flat earth. 
Aphros and Aphrodite throws Uranus’s gonads into the aphros which creates Aphrodite.  It was the semen who produced Aphrodite. 
Aphrodisiac and antaphrodisiac pertaining to Aphrodite any type of material that enhances sexual attraction or stimulates sexual activity itself.  Whatever increases semen production that’s an aphrodisiac in antiquity.
Hermaphrodite – both male and female genetalia.  Also talked about with animals who have male and female genetalia who don’t need another to reproduce
Protandry-starts off male and then becomes female later
Protogyny-starts off female then becomes male to produce without another animal
                Prostat/o             prostate               prostatodynia(pain within the prostate)/ vesicoprostatic(urinary bladder and prostate pertaining to)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia/ benign prostatic hypertrophy
                Sperm/o              sperm/seed                       oligospermia(scanty production of sperm)/ azoospermia( no spermatozoa)
                Spermatozoon(spermatozoa) masterbates then puts it on the slide to find out about it. 
                                Acro-top some-body  flagellum-tail/whip
                Spermat/o                                                          spermatocele(hernia/pouch of sperm/swelling o sperm)
A.      Normal
B.      Hydrocele
C.      Spermatocele
D.      Varicocele
Gonad/o                              genitals/offspring/semen            gonad( sexual gland)/ gonadectomy( removal of either male or female sex gland)
Gon/o                                                                   gonorrhea(semen discharge)/ gonangiectomy ( removal of the vas deferes)
Vasectomy= gonangiectomy
                Vasovasostomy – opposite of vasectomy
                                Perineal – area between anus and scrotum/ vagina
                                Peripenial – around penis
                                Peroneal - outside of calf
                                Perennial – through the year
                                perianal – around anus

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4/20/11 Class Notes

Urinary System
Today’s lecture
                                Pot or flask L.
                                Made of glass so you can see through them.
                                Urine is the product of perpulation of the blood. It’s getting sort of purified.  If it doesn’t get completely purified then the color will be different colors.  People who practiced medicine were monks.  Sometimes did it out of charity for the poor or would charge for the rich.  The pope tried to purify the catholic church who said that lets stop sending the monks out to get educated and stop them from touching feces and urine.  Medicine and religion started separated one from the other.
                Uroscopy wheels and medical diagnosis
                                16-20 matula’s on a wheel.  The circles are connected to what’s happening in the kidney.  Green urine, blue urine, yellow, orange, red, cloudy.  The colors are factual.  But their connection was to humors.  Green urine is a type of urinary infection. 
                                Systematic always, matula, cloudy or sentiment if it’s higher it’s in the head, if it’s lower it’s in the lower body.  Signs had to be analogous to parts in the bodies
                Urochromatic terms
                                Urocyanin –blue urine
                                Uroerythrin -red
                                Urorrhodin-rose colored urine
                                Uroxanthin- yellow urine
                                Urofuscin- fuscia –redish brown
                                Leukocytes, Nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, pH, blood, specific gravity, ketone, bilirubin, glucose
                Symptomatic terms-uria
                                Pyuria –pus urine
                                Azoturia-nitrogen waste urine
Albuminuria-protein in urine
Aciduria-pH level in urine
Hematuria-blood in urine
Hypersthenuria-excessively strong urine
Ketosuria-presense of ketone
Urobilinuria-presence of urobilinogen
Glucosuria-too much sugar in urine
                                Anuria-without urine
                                Dysuria-difficult to urine
                                Nocturia or nycturia- bathroom at night
                                Oliguria- limited amounts
                                Polyuria-too much urine
                Therapeutic terms
                                Dialysis (Gr. Dialysis-separating, a loosing of one from another, dissolution) kidney failure
                                                Hemodialysis – separating the blood.  Pump blood through the machine and purifies blood and pumps it back in. 
                                                Peritoneal dialysis- separating the peritoneal.  Take a sack that has glucose and salt in it.  Pulls out the stuff that shouldn’t be in your blood.  Not as effective as hemodialysis.
                Urination meaning just urination
                Micurition (L. micturire-to desire to urinate)just urination
Symptomatic terms
                Is there a difference between incontinence and enuresis?
                                Incontinence(L. in = not + continere= to confine, hold)
                                In ability to retain urine, semen or feces though loss of sphincter…etc
Enursis (gr. En= in + ourein=to make water)
                Involuntary discharge of urine after the age of bladder control.
                                Nocturnal enuresis-bed wetting
                                Diurnal enuresis- urinary stress incontinence.
Treatment for nocturnal enuresis
                Kegel exercises.
                                Excersies where you strengthen the pineal muscles.
Diagnostic terms
                Which term(s) is associated with nitrogenous waste in the blood.
                                Azotemia and uremia
Lithiasis-formulation of calculi
                Calculus-L.=little stone
Calculi and the roman abacus
                Abacus means counting table.  You used stones on a stick.  Calculus is the idea of moving the stones on the abacus. 
Utereroscopy and stent
Location of calculi
Extracorporeal(outside of body) lithotripsy (breaking down/crushing stone)
                ‘simple’ stones too large to pass through
                Ultrasound shock waves crush stones
                Smaller pieces pass out of the body in urine
Intracorporeal lithotripsy (inside of body) breaking down/crushing stone)
                Something on the end to break up the stones
Lithotomy (incision of the stone)
                Nephrolithotomy (incision in the kidney to remove the stone)/ ureterolithotomy (incision of the ureter to remove the stone)
Ancient treatments for calculi in the urinary tract
                Hippocratic Oath (5th-4th BC)
                                ‘I will not cut, even for a stone, but I will leave such procedures to the practitioners of that craft’
                Practicing similar to the person teaching them but would still do cuts.
                                If I tell you you’re going to die and then practice on you people will think my medical practices were bad.
Medications for calculi
                Dioscorides De Materia Medica (1st AD)
                                Medicinal Herbs
                                Parts of plants which dissolve urinary stones
                Roman catheter
                                Male catheter to drain the bladder made of lead
                                Same with female.
Surgery (chirugia + for stones)
                Celsus, De Medicina (1st AD)
                                Manually moving the stone
                                Excision of stones from the bladder/urethra

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/11 Class Notes

Urinary System
Today’s lecture
                Ancient theories of urine production uroplania and Ptolemaic astronomy
                Combining forms
Ancient theories of Urine production
                Erasistratus (325-250 BC)-Horror vacui fear of the (did vivisection of humans)-thought about separation. Mechanical mechanism separated away.
                Asclepiads(124-44BC)-pores and vapors(thought that liquid went in the stomach cooked and vaporized then the bladder went and soaked up the vapors and condensed them.
                Galen(129-210 AD)-Faculty of Parts-(kidney produced the urine.then proved that the bladder takes the urine and that the bladder holds the urine in and it can’t go back the other way.  Then proved that the kidneys were independent of one another.)
Basic anatomy of the urinary system
                Kidney(medulla, renal vein, renal artery, ureter, capsule, cortex, renal column, pyramid, renal pelvis, major calyx, minor calyx, papillae), ureter, bladder urethra, ureter opening
Pelvis- Basin something that collects fluid
Papilla-nipple like structure.
Calyx. Pl calyces-bud (flower cup)
Hilum-little thing, trifle nerve artery and vein go into an organ that’s the hilum.
                Filtration, secretion and absorbtion.
Combining forms for the urinary system
                Urin/o                   urine                     urinophil (bacteria that likes to live in urine)
                Ur/o                                                      uremia (urine in the blood, products of urine in blood) / uroplania (condition where the urine is going out where it is supposed to plan-wonderer)
                Uroplania, planets and Ptolemaic atronomy
-grade (l. gradus-step, gait)
                Retrograde (backwards movement)
                Antegrade(forward movement)
                Centigrade(100 degrees/steps)
                Graduated(person who gets a degree taken a step out of one phase into another)
                Plantigrade (flat foot)
                Digitigrades (walks on fingers)
                Unguligrade (unguli-nail/hoof walks on hoofs)
                -uria                                                       azoturia (too much nitrogenous waste ) / creatinuria (metabolism ) / uricosuria (uric acid )
Contents of urine .05%ammonia .18 suphate .12 phsophate .6 chloride 95 water
                Ren/o                   kidney                  renoprival (pertaining to taking away the kidney and all that deals with the kidney)/ renogastric ( pertaining to the kidney and stomach)
                Nephr/o                                              nephroptosis (downward displacement of kidney) / nephrophthisis (wasting the kidney)
                Pyel/o                   renal pelvis (basin)                          endopyelotomy (within the renal pevis incision)
                Glomerul/o        glomerulus (ball-shaped)             glomerulosclerosis (hardening of glomerulus)/ juxtaglomerular (next to the glomerulus)
                Uteter/o              ureter                                   ureterolithiasis (presence of stone in ureter) / typhloureterostomy(opening ureter blind-secum/blind as in vision)
                Cyst/o                   bladder or sac                    cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) cystolithlapaxy ( stone in the bladder lapaxy washing away or evacuation)
                Vesic/o                 bladder or vesicle            vesicocervical (pertaining to the bladder and cervix)/ vesicoclysis (washing the bladder)
                Bladder and greek ball games
                                You made bladders into balls to play with and covered them with leather or put things inside.
                Urethr/o              urethra                 urethrostenosis (narrowing of the urethra) urethrophraxis (blockage or obstruction of the urethra) urethratresia (lack of perforation, no whole in the urethra)
                Meat/o                                meatus(passage)             meatometer(measures the meatus) / meatotome (incision to make a meatus)