Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28/11 class notes & house question quiz today

NOTE: not completely finished notes, he was talking quite fast today!  Sorry guys!

Respiratory System
Today’s Lecture
Respiration, classification and aristotle’s scala naturae
Plant life has certain soul’s.  lower soul for Aristotle.  Animals on the other hand, motion, reproduction, higher sole, humans have rational soul.  Animals that have blood and don’t, blood less animals have lesser souls, animals who do have blood fish don’t have lower souls.  Mankind and a lion mankind has more blood vessels in their lungs to cool off, so they were higher up.
Christian Scala naturae, god angels mankind animals plants etc.
                Nature designs things, certain souls have a certain body. Telos-end of something.
Combining forms for the respiratory system
                Nas/o    nose      nasogastric tube(put it end to provide nourishment)/nasendoscope(what’s in the nose)
                Rhin/o                  rhinorrhea (runny nose)/rhinolith (stone inside the nose)
Rhinolith              picture
                Sinus/o                 sinus(l. fold, curve)                         sinusitis(inflammation of the sinus’s)
L. sinus-fold, curve, bending
Paranasal(along side nose) sinus
                Ethmoid(seed/strain) sinus, maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus
Or/o      mouth                  oronasal (pertaining to the nose and mouth)/oroantral(antral, cave)
Palat/o                 palate                   palatorrhaphy(surgical repair of palate )/palatoschisis(split/cleft palate )
Palatoschisis-cleft palate
L. palatum you taste with the palate.  Aristotle said you tasted with your tongue
                Tonsil/o                tonsil     tonsillectomy(incision of the tonsils)/tonsillotome(device for cutting)
                Uvul/o                  uvula     uvuloptosis(downward displacement.)
L. tonsilla=almonds         L. uvola=small bunch of grapes
Laryng/o              larynx                    laryngocentesis( surgical puncture of the larynx) laryngophthisis(wasting of the larynx)
                Pharyng/o           pharynx               pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat)/pharyngoxerosis(dry throat)
                Nasopharynx, oropharynx, etc.
                Trache/o              trachea tracheostomy (to create an opening in the trachea)tracheostoma(hole in the trachea)
                NB. Trachel/o=neck*usually refers to uterus i.e. trachelectomy (removing the neck of the uterus)
                Bronch/o             bronchus             bronchostaxis (dripping in the bronchus)
                Bronchi/o                            bronchiocele(swelling of bronchus)/bronchiloquy(speaking for your bronchus)
                Bronchiol/o        bronchiole          bronchiolectasis (dialation of the bronchioles)
                Alveol/o               small cavity
                L. alveolus-small cavity/bucket
                Thorac/o              chest     thoracostomy (surgical procedure cut a whole)drain/thoracentesis (surgical puncture )
Treatments of pleural effusion
Pneum/o             air/lung                                pneumopericardium (air structure around the heart /pneumohemothorax ( )/pneumoconiosis(
Pneumon/o                       pneumonia
Pulmon/o            lung       pulmonologist/pulmonary edema (swelling of the lung)
Lob/o                    lobe       lobectomy/lobotomy
Lobes of the lungs
Upper, medium, lower lobe (right lung)  upper and lower lung (left lung)
Pleur/o                 pleura                   pleuroclysis(washing of pleura)/pleural effusion(to pour out pleural)
Creation of eve –in Hebrew pleuran  eve was created from the side of adam.
                Parietal (pertaining to the wall) pleura/ viscera pleura (pertaining to organ)
Phren/o               diaphragm/mind              phrenic (pertaining to the diaphragm)/ phrenetic (manic paced)
Gr. Thought you had thoughts in your mind.
Capn/o                 carbon dioxide(gr. Kapnos-smoke)          hypercapnia
Carb/o                  L. carbo-carbon                 hypocarbia
Ox/o                      oxygen                 hypoxemia
                NB.Oxy-sharp,acute, acid,pungent,-oxygen, oxyphile(likes acidic solutions),oxylalia(talks acute, talks fast)
Spir/o                    breathing                            spirometry(measuring breath)/ inspire (breathing in)/respire(breathing together)
-pnea (suffix)                    breathing                            eupnea(normal breathing)/apnea(substation of breathing for a period of time)/orthopnea(upright breathing okay but laying down breathing not okay)

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