Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/16/11 Class Notes

Musculoskeletal System
                Reduction (I lead the bone back into position)
                Open Reduction (cut open and put the bones back into place)
                Closed Reduction (don’t have to cut open)
                Internal fixation (screws)
Today’s Lecture
                                Hippocratic Othropedics
Bone and Joint
                Hippocratic treatises -5th and 4th BC
                                On joints
                                On fractures
                                Same author. Had a good idea with bones, not doing human anatomy.  Had a good idea of how the bones worked.  Good things about relocations, and dislocations, fractures, things to dealing with the femur to the clavical and nose, they don’t do anything with the skull.  Differentiates between a compound fracture and an orthosis (straighten out/ splint) really well done texts, pretty sober minded gives advice as far as what you should do or  shouldn’t do.
Reducing-Fractures, dislocations, and subluxations
                Dislocations (l. locus-place)-out of place
                Luxation (l. luxare-to dislocate)
                Subluxation-less than dislocated partially out of the socket.
                                Getting tied up to the latter and drop the later to straighten out the spine.  This was more for show than anything else.
Hippocratic bench
                Reducing bones, to get traction.  Traction machines, not used for relocating bones or joints, they are used to relax muscles.
Part of a long bone
                                Physiatrist-not doing surgery, physical therapy , md.
                                Physician-people who were university educated and studied physics (idea of the study of the body) you were a physician if you learned this, if you didn’t learn from the school.  empirisist
                                Apophysis (apo-away from physis –growth plate)  bone growth away from growth place
                Meta can mean near
                Metaphysic near the growth place
                Diaphysis –between the growth place
                Epiphysis-upon the growth place
                NB phys/o-air or gas eg. Physometra(woman having air or gas in the uterus)
Body positions
                Supine(face up)
                Prone(face down)
                Right lateral recumbent(laying on the right side)
Left lateral recumbent(laying on the left side)
Deubitus (l. deumbo-I lie down)
                Decubitus ulcers (cuts off oxygen to the tissue and that causes these ulcers)
What is decubation?  The process of lying down
Terms of position
                Anterior-posterior(AP x-ray)up the person laying in supine
                Posterior-anterior(PA x-ray) back first then out the front prone
                Proximal vs. distal
                                Origin of the structure(bone) What is closest to the middle (proximal) Distal is further away from middle
                                Point of reference
Goni/o (Gr. Gonia-angle) How much motion has in a joint
                NB Gon/o=semen, genitals, generation
Sympotamic and diagnostic terms
                A grating sound made by movement of some joints is called?
                                Crepitus L. crepitus-creak rattle, rustle, crackle
                A patient comes into your office complaining of joint and muscle pain, involuntary muscle contractions, and reduced muscle tone.  The medical terms for these symptoms are:
                Spasm (gr. Spasein-to convulse, draw, pull)
                                Tonic (sustained)
                                Clonic (alternate contraction and relaxation)
                Cramp (painful tonic spasm/sodium potassium problems)
                Tremor (L. tremor-a shaking)
                Tone(Gr. Tonos-stretched)
                                Hypertonicity, hypertonia(not enough inhibition to a muscle, is a more contracted position)
                                Opisthotonos (opistho-backwards)(backward tension literal)(backward bending-medical)
                Tetany (gr. Tetanus, straightened, stiff)
                                Tetanus(neurotoxin increases tone)
                                                Tetanus dorsalis(adj. stiffening towards the back)
                                                Tetanus lateralis(stiffening towards the side)
                                                Cryptogenic tetanus(pertaining to a hidden origin)
                Rigor (L. rigor-stiffness, hardness)
                                Rigor mortis (stiffness of death)
Diagnostic terms
                Plantar fasciitis (pertaining to the bottom of the foot inflammation of the fascum (connective tissue)) (helps with motion, acts like a spring, usually have bad foot mechanics, or have bad shoes because they aren’t supportive enough)
Fasci/p-Fascia(wide band)
Myositis ossificans
                Muscle inflammation which is making bone
                Heterotopic bone grown (other of two trop(place) pertaining to bone growth where it shouldn’t be)
                Osteoarthritis is also called?
                                Degenerative arthritis
                                Degenerative joint disease (DJD)
                                                Typically affect the knee, hip, shoulder trauma to the cartilage, and breaks down the cartilage
                Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)(looks like a flow, flowing from a membrane)(Bilateral)
                                (Gr. Rheuma –Flux,flow)
                                                Chronic, systemic inflammation
                                                Hands and feet are typically affected
                NB Rheum
                Gouty arthritis (L. gutta-drop)
                                Single joint
                                Hyperuricemia (too much acid in the blood) Often affects the big toe
What is the difference between
                Spondylosis(condition of the spine)Stiff, immobile condition of vertebrae due to joint degeneration
                Spondylolysis(Breaking down of the spine)the breaking down of the vertebral structure (Parsinterartcularis-between two joints on the vertebrae)
                Spondylolisthesis(slipping)(listhesis-a slipping) a forward slipping of the vertebra
                Osteomalacia (softening)vs. osteoporosis(holes,pathways)
Osteomalacia (caused by vitamin D deficiency) bone gets brittle
                Gr. Poros-passage
                                Decreased bone density and increased porosity

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