Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2/9/11 Class Notes.

Integumentary system
“Hey Bart, your epidermis is showing.  See your epidermis means ‘your hair’ so technically its true.’-Nelson muntz
Today’s Lecture
Function of skin
Combining forms
Anatomic terms
Things to focus on
Abbreviations not important, medications aren’t important (endings are important)
Combining forms and anatomical terms know how to break words into component parts.
Integumentary System
                L. Integumentum-convering, cloak, or disguise
Integumentary System (parts)
                                Skin and its appendages
                                                Hair, nails, sweat, sebaceous glands
Integumentary System (Behavior and function)
                First line of defense against bacteria, chemicals, and injury
                Helps regulate temperature-sweat
                Prevents water loss or gain
Does not help with respiration unless you are a frog or worm
Ancient notions of skin breathing
                Blood vessels ‘breath’ through pores in the skin
                                Via movement vessels draw in and expel out air (pneuma) through channels in the skin
                                Regulates heat in the body.
                Breathing in bringing in cold hair and cools off the heat in the body
                Breathing out you get rid of the heat in your body
Proponents of skin breathing
                Empedocles (c. 492-432) Philosopher/physician
                Galen (AD 129-c. 210)physicians/ philosopher
Combining forms (same meaning)
Adip/o  fat          adipoid(fat …)/adipocyte(fat cell)
Lip/o      fat          lipoma(fat bump)/lipocele(hernia with fat inside)
Steat/o fat          steatolytic(dissolving fat)/steatopygia (condition of fat in the butt)
Combining forms
                What are the three combining forms of the skin?
                                Derm/o                                skin        epidermis(upon the dermis)/dermad(toward or to the skin)
                                Dermat/o                            dermatomyoma(tumor skin muscle)/dermatogens(a substance that creates skin)
                                Cutane/o                             subcutaneous(under the skin)
The skin (diagram)
Basal and squamous layer are in the epidermis
Then subcutaneous
                Squamous layer –(L. Squama-scale, ie fish, armor)
                                Stratum(stretched out thing) corneum(hard)
                Basal Layer (l. basis-foundation, pedestal, base)
                                Stratum germinativum
                                                Germinare – to spring forth, produce
                                                L. –ivum capacity to/ability to
                True skin
                Connective tissue layer
                                Blood and lymphatic vessels
                                Nerves and nerve endings
                                Hair follicles
                                Network of elastic and collagen fibers(…)
                Layer below dermis
                Composed of loose connective tissue and adipose fat layer
Epithelium (upon nipple structure)
                Types of epithelium
                                Simple squamous
                                Simple cuboidal
                                Simple columnar
                                Stratified squamous
                                Stratified cuboidal
                                Pseudostratified columnar
                NB Thel/o nipple eg poly thelia
Combining forms (same meaning)
                Corne/o               hard       stratum corneum
                Corn/I                                   cornification(process of making something hard, deals with the skin hard)
NB corne/o = cornea of the eye
Cornu cutaneum (the skin horn)
                Person has excessive tumor of skin growth
Cornucopia (the horn of plenty)
Associated with zeus feeling sorry for the goat he makes the horn to produce whatever the holder of it wants. Always associated with some river god with a male holding the horn with grapes and agricultural products coming out of it.
Combining forms (same meaning)
                Corne/o               hard       stratum corneum
                Sclera/o                               scleroderma(red scaley skin)/ corneosclera (is the white of the eye)
                Kerat/o                Hard (horn)        keratin (substance that makes something hard)/hyperkeratosis ( a condition with excessive hard skin)
                Triceratops (three cerat means horn)
                Sudor/I                 sweat                    sudoriferous(adj. pertaining to conveying or carrying a sweat)/sudorific(producing sweat)
                Hidr/o                                                   hidropoiesis(formation of sweat)/hidrosis(condition of sweat or excessive sweating)
NB hidr/o-sweat vs. hydr/o-water
                Plas/o                   formation                            dysplasia (condition or faulty, difficult or painful formation)/fibroplasia(condition of fiber formation)
                -plastic                                                                  fibroplastic (pertaining to fiber formation)
                -plast(id)                                                              chloroplast (substance that forms something green) organelle that’s inside the plant that creates the green
                Hist/o                    tissue                    histoclastic (noun)
                Histi/o                                                   histioblast(noun)
Suffix –Blast
                -blast (gr. Blastos-germ, shoot, or sprout)-thing in an embryonic state of development
Suffix –clast
                -clast (gr. Klastos-broken) thing that breaks down a substance
Combing forms
                Sarc/o   flesh(soft tissue/muscle/fat)                      sarcoma (tumor of flesh)/sarcomere(a structure that contacts in the muscle mer/o part mere part)/sarcolemma (the membrane that goes around the sarcomere –lemma membrane)/sarcophagidae(fly that eats flesh)
                Sarcophagus (put the body of the flesh in a casing that eats the flesh)
Combining forms
                Skin vs tissue vs flesh, what’s the difference?
                Skin is an organ and is composed of different types of tissues
                Tissue is a group or collection of similar cells and their intercellular substance that act together for a particular function
                Flesh is soft tissue, especially the muscles, of an animal
Onych/o              nail         onychocryptosis(condition of a hidden nail, ingrown toe nail or hair)
                                                Paronychia(condition alongside the nail, inflammation alongside the nailbed)
                                                Onyx (stone has sort of the color of the nail)
                Myc/o   fungus                  mycosis (condition of fungus)/mycoderma(mucous membrane)
                NB myc/o can also mean mucous. Gr. Mykes-means fungus and  the gr. Mykos means mucous

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