Friday, April 1, 2011

4/1/11 Class Notes

The Ear
Today’s Lecture
                                Implanted air and the anatomy of the ear & Vitruvius and acoustics
                                Anatomical terms and combining forms
Anatomy of the Ear
                Outer ear, middle ear, inner ear
                Outer: Pinna, external auditory canal, ear lobe
                Middle: Malteus(hammer), eardrum, incus(anvil), stapes(stirrup), oval window
                Inner: Semi-circular canals, auditory nerve, cochlea, Eustachian tube
Greek Hearing and Implanted Air
                Empedocles (c. 492-432BC)-
                Aristotle(384-322(BC)-aer implantatus
Roman anatomy and implanted air
Galen(129-210 AD)
                Auditory nerve
                Unaware of the function of the tympanic membrane and the ossicles of middle ear
Bony and membranous labyrinths
                Bony labyrinths go around the membranous labyrinth.  Membranous labyrinth goes around,..etc
Labyrinth – theseus and the minotaur(half bull half man) (king minos, power struggle, Neptune to be successful and minos is supposed to sacrifice the bull, but minos decides bull is too beautiful to kill, so the wife of minos falls in love with the bull, creates a wooden cow, has sex with the bull and outpops of the minotaur.  Theseus kills the minotaur. Spiritual meaning that when you go through the maze once you get to the center you will reach enlightenment.
Cochlea-gr. Koxlos-shell
Combining forms for the ear
                Acoust/o             hearing                 acoustic(pertaining to hearing)
                -acusis                  hearing condition             presbyacusis(old age hearing condition)/oxyacusis (acute hearing)
                -acousia                                               amblyacousia(dull hearing condition) / anacousia(total deafness)
Vitruvuis and acoustics
                Vitruvius de architechura (1st century BC)
                                Acoustics of theatres
                                Dissonance(separates sounds, unclear sound), resonance(small sound that gets larger)
                                Bronze vessels
                                Seems he has a knowledge of sound waves.
Theatre(place of viewing), odeon(gr. Viewing place, theatre that’s covered in roman times), amphitheatre(around theatre, coliseum is an amphitheatre)) , and arena(place of combat sand on the floor), stadium (distance of greek)
                Audi/o                  hearing/sound                  audiometry(measuring how well someone can hear) / audioanesthesia(lack of sensation of hearing/ sound waves to numb something)
                Son/o                    sound                   ultrasonic(beyond hearing) / supersonic(beyond speed of sound)
                Aer/o                    air or gas              aerocele (air pouch)
                Aur/I                     ear                         auricle(outer ear) (pinna-wings)/ auriform(shape of an ear)
                Ot/o                                                      otitis medea(inflammation of the middle ear)/ aerotitis(inflammation of the middle ear because of air pressure)/ barotitis (same as aeroititis , pressure or weight)
NB bath/o-depth(gr. Bathus-deep/high)
                -otia                       ear condition(external)                 macrotia(large/long ears)/polyotia(more than two ears)/ anotia(no ears)
                Ot/o (gr. Ous-ear, handle on a vase, looks like an ear)
                Cerumin/o          wax                        ceruminosis(excessive amount of wax in the ear)/ceruminolysis(breaking down of wax, done with chemicals)
Wax(L. cera)
                Sincerus VS. sine cera(to grow up together, to grow whole, pure)
                Salping/o             tube(Eustachian/fallopia tube)                  rhinosalpingitis(tube into the nose)/salpingemphraxis(plugging or packing of the tube)
                Greek salpinx (war horn)
                Tympan/o           eardrum                              tympanic(pertaining to ear drum)/tympanum(ear drum)
Tympan/o (gr. Tumpanon-drum)-tambourine
                Myring/o                                                             myringotomy( )/myringomycosis/myringa(eardrum)
NB. Myring/o –eardrum vs. mening/o-membrane

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