Friday, April 29, 2011

4/29/11 Class Notes

Female Reproductive System
Today’s Lecture
Hysteria and the wandering womb ancient midwifery
Combining forms for the female reproductive system
Hyster/o              uterus                   hysterectomy (removal of part or all of the uterus) / hysteria (very emotional/ pertaining to the womb)
                Gr. Hystere-womb/uterus
                Hysterike pnix-suffication pertaining to the uterus/womb
                Obstructed respiration, aphonia and seizure of the senses; uterus inflamed and retracted
                Wandering womb- believed that the womb could move, and the womb would press against different organs. 
                Metr/o                                                 endometrium ( ium- tissue/structure within the uterus)/ metrosalpingitis ( inflammation of the fallopian tubes and uterus)
                Gr. Metra-womb
                Infundibulum, uterine tube, fundus, uterus, endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium, vagina, cervix, etc
Adnexa-the accessoty structures
                External uterise orifce, ovarian vessels, ovarian fubria, ostulum etc
Uter/o                                                  in utero (in the womb) / uterotractor( tractor – pull or drag the uterus)
                Tractor- hook in to something and used to pull
NB. In vitro( in glass), in vivo ( in something that’s alive)
Salping/o             uterine tube      salpingocyesis ( -cyesis = gr. Kyesis-conception/ pregnancy, pregnancy related to the fallopian tube)
Ectopic pregnancy (away from place pregnancy)
Vagin/o                                vagina                   vaginomycosis ( condition of the vagina caused by fungus) / atrophic vaginitis (inflammation of vagina due to malnutrition) < thinning of the wall of vagina
                NB. Candidiasis (yeast infection)
Vagina – L. Sheath/ Scabbard
Colp/o                                                  colpoptosis (downward displacement of vagina) / colpocleisis (cleisis-surgical closure of vagina)
Similar suffixes
                Clysis –washing
                Clasis – breaking down
                Cleisis- closing or to close
Colpo-Gr. Kolpos-any hollow; deep fold in a garment
Vulv/o                  vulva                     vuluar pruritis (severe itching of vulva) / vulvocrural( pertaining to the vulvo and thigh)
Episi/o                                                  episiotomy( incision into the vulva)
                Gr. Epision – pubic region
Gynec/o              women                                gynecophonus ( voice like a women) / gynecopenic ( pertaining to female sex characteristics)/ gynecology (study of female organs)
The formation of the first women – Pandora
                Hesiod’s works and days
                ‘all –gifted’
                Brings suffering/ disease in the world
                                Pandora is given to man-kind as a punishment.  Promethius(gave fire back to man-kind) and Epimethius  gives pandora she has a jar in this jar has all kind of evils and those being disease.  She opens up the jar and out of it comes the disease. 
                Obstetr/o            midwife               obstetrics (pertaining to the women up to 40 days)
                NB. Puerperium ( pediatrition after 40 days)
Woman and Ancient midwifery
                Soranus (2nd AD) gynaecology mainly about obstetrix
                Ideal Midwife (Gr. Maia; L. obstetrix) women should have very long fingers she needs to be very strong very intelligent and well read she determines after the baby is born is going to be nurtured or expose the baby.  If you put it on the ground and if it cries a lot then keep the baby if it doesn’t cry it won’t be nurtured if the baby doesn’t go to full term don’t raise the baby or if it had a birth defect dispose of the baby.  Pre-christian Greeks and romans that you have acquired values if you can’t function in society you can’t be valuable.  Drag in the family and a drag on society.  Law saying you can’t expose children and you can give it away
                Lact/o                   milk                        lactogen (creates milk) / lactigerous ( ous adj. lacti milk ger conveys or bears milk
                Mamm/o             breast                   mammoplasty (surgical reconstruction of the breasts) / mammotrophic ( pertaining to growth of breasts)
                Mast/o                                                 mastectomy ( removal of breasts)
Suffixes – mastia and –mazia
                Hypermastia/macromastia (breasts are exceedingly large)
                Hypomastia / micromastia (breasts are small)
                Polymastia/polymazia (more than one breast)
                Gynecomastia (female breast tissue on a male)
Amazia and amazons
                Warrior women mentioned in the illiad and elsewhere in greek and roman literature
                Equals of men
                Without breast?
                Saying they cut off one breasts to better throw a spear and shoot and arrow  when the heroes defeat an amazon they are like putting women back in their characteristics of the Greeks. 
                Men/o                  menstruation                    amenorrhea ( without monthly discharge)/ menopause ( cessation of menstruation  ) / menostasis ( temporary pause in menstruation ) / menostaxis ( staxis – dripping monthly , excessive bleeding for a longer period) / menoplania ( bleeding out of the place she shouldn’t bleed)/ menarche ( first / beginning menstruation)
                NB. Men/o         Gr. Men – month

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