Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/11 Class Notes

Urinary System
Today’s lecture
                Ancient theories of urine production uroplania and Ptolemaic astronomy
                Combining forms
Ancient theories of Urine production
                Erasistratus (325-250 BC)-Horror vacui fear of the (did vivisection of humans)-thought about separation. Mechanical mechanism separated away.
                Asclepiads(124-44BC)-pores and vapors(thought that liquid went in the stomach cooked and vaporized then the bladder went and soaked up the vapors and condensed them.
                Galen(129-210 AD)-Faculty of Parts-(kidney produced the urine.then proved that the bladder takes the urine and that the bladder holds the urine in and it can’t go back the other way.  Then proved that the kidneys were independent of one another.)
Basic anatomy of the urinary system
                Kidney(medulla, renal vein, renal artery, ureter, capsule, cortex, renal column, pyramid, renal pelvis, major calyx, minor calyx, papillae), ureter, bladder urethra, ureter opening
Pelvis- Basin something that collects fluid
Papilla-nipple like structure.
Calyx. Pl calyces-bud (flower cup)
Hilum-little thing, trifle nerve artery and vein go into an organ that’s the hilum.
                Filtration, secretion and absorbtion.
Combining forms for the urinary system
                Urin/o                   urine                     urinophil (bacteria that likes to live in urine)
                Ur/o                                                      uremia (urine in the blood, products of urine in blood) / uroplania (condition where the urine is going out where it is supposed to plan-wonderer)
                Uroplania, planets and Ptolemaic atronomy
-grade (l. gradus-step, gait)
                Retrograde (backwards movement)
                Antegrade(forward movement)
                Centigrade(100 degrees/steps)
                Graduated(person who gets a degree taken a step out of one phase into another)
                Plantigrade (flat foot)
                Digitigrades (walks on fingers)
                Unguligrade (unguli-nail/hoof walks on hoofs)
                -uria                                                       azoturia (too much nitrogenous waste ) / creatinuria (metabolism ) / uricosuria (uric acid )
Contents of urine .05%ammonia .18 suphate .12 phsophate .6 chloride 95 water
                Ren/o                   kidney                  renoprival (pertaining to taking away the kidney and all that deals with the kidney)/ renogastric ( pertaining to the kidney and stomach)
                Nephr/o                                              nephroptosis (downward displacement of kidney) / nephrophthisis (wasting the kidney)
                Pyel/o                   renal pelvis (basin)                          endopyelotomy (within the renal pevis incision)
                Glomerul/o        glomerulus (ball-shaped)             glomerulosclerosis (hardening of glomerulus)/ juxtaglomerular (next to the glomerulus)
                Uteter/o              ureter                                   ureterolithiasis (presence of stone in ureter) / typhloureterostomy(opening ureter blind-secum/blind as in vision)
                Cyst/o                   bladder or sac                    cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) cystolithlapaxy ( stone in the bladder lapaxy washing away or evacuation)
                Vesic/o                 bladder or vesicle            vesicocervical (pertaining to the bladder and cervix)/ vesicoclysis (washing the bladder)
                Bladder and greek ball games
                                You made bladders into balls to play with and covered them with leather or put things inside.
                Urethr/o              urethra                 urethrostenosis (narrowing of the urethra) urethrophraxis (blockage or obstruction of the urethra) urethratresia (lack of perforation, no whole in the urethra)
                Meat/o                                meatus(passage)             meatometer(measures the meatus) / meatotome (incision to make a meatus)

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