Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/13/2011 Class Notes

NOTE: my computer isn’t typing out k& I  I’m havng to copy and paste them so get t to work Sorry but there are points when I don’t have time to copy or paste them.
Gastrointestinal System ki
Pepsis and Hippocratic notions of digestion
Stomachos gaster koilia
Eupepsia(good digestion) dyspepsia(abnormal digestion/indigestion) apepsia(w/out digestion) peptic ulcer peptobismal(indigestion)
-ase = enzyme
                Three types of enzymes needed to breadown food
Amylase> breaking down of starch
Protease > breaking down of proteins
Lipase>breaking down of fats
Other enzymes
                Lactase >breaking down mi lk
                Sucrase> breaking down sugar
                Maltase>breaking down maltose(germinating)
                Invertase> sucrase vert means turn
Natural faculties and galen’s theory of digestion absorbtion and excretion
                Anatomically specific powers (dynameis)
                Faculty (L> facultas)power
                Dynam/o=power energy strength movement eg. Thermodynamics dynamometer
Functions of the gastrointestinal system
                Digestion process
                Food s broken down by swallowing and chewing
                Then mixed with digestive juices n stomach
                Converts some food into absorbable molecules
                Digested food molecules pass through the walls of the intestines
                Carried by the bloodstream to the body cells
                Sold waste materials that are not absorbed are transported to the outside of body        
Anatomical regions of the abdomen
                Right hypochondriac region epgastric region umbilical region right lumbar region hypogastric region right inguinal region left hypochondriac region left lumbar region left inguinal region
Clinical quadrants of the abdomen
                Right upper quadrant  right lower quadrant  left upper quadrant  lower left quadrant
Center and the omphalos (Gr. naval) 
                There was a stone that zeus father ate thnng t was zeus and come to found out t wasn’t and zues sent out two eagle to fnd the center of the world and placed the stone.
                Omphalocele (hernia at the naval)
                Omphaloangiopagus(joined at the naval and share a vessel conjoined twins)
                Omphalomesenteric ( naval middle intestines)
Mysentery –clear stuff that’s attached to the wall
Symptomatic terms
                What symptomatic term best describes this patient’s condition?
                                Ascites – too much fluid in his stomach.
Satyr and askos
                Large bag. 
Abdominocentesis(surgical cut in abdomen) paracentesis
                What to do to get rid of ascites drain the fluid out.
Which of the following has to do w/ stool (fecal matter):
                Diarrhea (transferring across)
                Steatorrhea (fat discharge)
                Melena (black fecal matter coagulated blood)
                Hematochezia (excessive bleeding bloody discharge)
What does hyperbilirubinemia literally mean?
                Excessive amount of red bail n the blood
Bilirubin- red color to bail
What s the synonym for jaundice?
                Hematemesis throwing up blood
                Cheilitis-inflammation of the lips
                Stomatitis- inflammation of the mouth
                Icterus s the greek word for jaundice or oriole
What s the difference between nausea and indigestion?
                Nausea s a sign of indigestion
Nausea and seasickness
                Derived from greek word for ship naus.
Your patent complains of flatulence(fart) flatus-blowing/blast eructation (burp) eructare-to belch forth/vomit and halitosis(bad breath) halitus-breath/exhalation what are these symptoms?

Flatulence erucatation and humor
                Old comedy(4eight0-440)
                Political satire buffoonery involving burps farts and sexual innuendo
Inflammation of the is:
salivary gland
small intestine
lower portion of the small intestine
stomach and small intestine
bile duct
rectum and anus

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