Monday, April 11, 2011

TEST 6 STARTS HERE AND ABOVE 4/11/11 class notes

Gastrointestinal System
                Digestion, absorption, excretion
Today’s Lecture
Combining forms for the GI system
                Or/o      mouth                  orad (towards the mouth)/ os uteri (os means mouth, mouth of uterus)
                Stomat/o                             stomatognathic(mouth gnath – jaw ic-pertaining to mouth and jaw ) / Aphthous stomatitis( inflammation of the mouth / aphthous- pertaining to sores )
                Cheil/o (chil/o) lip                           cheilophagia (condition of eating your lips, biting lips)/ cheiloplasty(lip job)
                Labi/o                                                   labiochorea (tremmoring lips)/ labium urethrae (labium, lip/lip of the urethra)
                Dent/I                   tooth                     dentia tarda(condition of teeth late coming in )
                Dentin/o                                              dentinoclast (structure or thing that breaks down dentine )
                Odont/o                                              megodontia ( condition where someone has large teeth)
NB dentin/o = dentin
                Gingiv/o               gum                       hyperplastic gingivitis (excessive formation of inflammation of the gum)
                Gloss/o                                tongue                 ankyloglossia (condition of the tongue crooked or stiff)
                Lingu/o                                                 linguoclination (clination- process of leaning towards tongue)
                Bucc/o                  cheek/mouth    retrobuccal(pertaining to the cheek behind) / buccoversion(version-turning towards the cheek)
Buccoclination and linguoversion
1)      Buccoclination
2)      Linguoversion
3)      Rotation
Bocca Della Verita
                Water fountain, but myth is that if you stick your hand in the mouth and tell the truth you’re fine but if you tell a lie you will get your hand bitten off
                Sial/o     saliva                     sialoaerophagy ( phagy –swallowing process of swallowing hair and saliva)
                Esophago            esophagus          esophageal atresia ( the asophagus never developed a whole )/ asophageal apoplexy (  )
                Nasal cavity,palate, oral cavity, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx opening to pharynx,…etc.
Abdomin/o         abdomen            abdominocentesis (surgical term abdomen)
Celi/o                                                    celiosalpingectomy(access point abdomen fallopian tube surgery)
Lapar/o                                                                laparosalpingotomy (going through the side to get to the fallopian tube to make an incision
Peritone/o          peritoneum        parietal peritoneum (pertaining to the side )/ visceral peritoneum (closest to the organs )
Gastr/o                                stomach               gastrodidymus (joined at the stomach didymus-twin)/gastroplication ( placation-process of making a fold (in the stomach))
Pylor/o                 pylorus (Gr. Gatekeeper)             pylorostenosis (narrowing gate of the stomach)               
Sphincter and the riddle of the sphinx
                To strangling or binding something
                The riddle of the sphinx- what in the morning walks on four legs, afternoon walks on two, in the evening walk on three?  Mankind epipus solved this riddle
                Hepat/o               liver                       hepatalgia (liver pain)
                Hepatic/o                                            hepaticolithotripsy (tripsy-surgical grinding or breaking down something, breaking down of stones in the liver)
                Bil/I                        bile                         bilirubin (red bile chemical in the liver)
                Chol/e                                                  cholagogue( stimulates bile production)
                                Cholangiogastrostomy(making a mouth, in the vessel, of a bile duct, making a mouth with the stomach and bile duct)
                Choleric and the four temperaments
                Cyst/o                   bladder or sac                    cholecystectomy (gallbladder being removed)
                Doch/o                 duct                                       choledochotomy (incision into the common bile duct)
                Enter/o                                small intestine                   myenteron (smooth muscle of the intestines)
                Duodenum/ jejunum/ileum
                Duoden/o           duodenum                         duodenal (pertaining to the duodenum)
                                Hepatocholangiocystodiodenostomy (making a mouth between the liver,bile duct, gallbladder, to the duodenum)
                Jejun/o                                jejunum (empty)             jejunojejunostomy(making a mouth to connect two parts of the jejunum)
                Pancreatitis and jejunojejunostomy
                Ile/o                      ileum                                     ilea ( more than one ileum)/adynamic ileus(no movement in ileum )
NB ilium , pl. ilia-one of the bones of each half of the pelvis
                Col/o     colon                                                     colostomy (mouth from the colon to a sac)
                Colon/o                                                                                colonoscopy ( process where you’re looking inside the colon)
                Tube in the anus to see what’s going on in the colon
                Appendic/o        appendix                             appendicectasis ( dialation of the appendix)/appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
                Sigmoid/o           sigmoid colon                    cecosigmoidostomy (ceco-cecum blind portion of the large intestine/connection from the cecum to the sigmoid)
                Rect/o                  rectum (straight)              rectosigmoid (straightening out the sigmoid)/ rectolabial(pertaining to the rectum and the labia female)
                An/o                      anus                                      anoscope ( look inside the anus with)/anostosis (condition where there is a lack of bone)
                NB annulus-ring shaped structure
Annulus-roman ring
                Procto/o              anus and rectum together           proctococcypexia (condition surgical fixation of anus and rectum coccix)
                Prolapsed rectum/anus
                                Prolapsio-sliding or slipping

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