Monday, April 4, 2011

4/4/11 Class Notes

The Ear
Ancient Treatment
                Celsus (1st century AD)
                                Aurium morbi
                                                Ear aches/ drainage
                                                Hearing loss
                                                Tinnitus(too much phlegm in the head)(ringing)
                                                Removal foreign bodies
                                                Plastic surgery
Aural(pertaining to the ear) Atresia(condition of perforation)
                Meatus, opening
                Tresis, a perforation
                                Dacryagogatresia? Dacry(tear) agogue(convey or carry)
Symptomatic Terms
                A patient who complains of otalgia(ear ache), otorrhea(drainage from ear), tinnitus(ringing of the ear), and vertigo(spinning, turning,dizziness):
Types of Vertigo
                Alternobaric vertigo (bar-pressure alterno-change)
                Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(benign-not harmful paroxysmal-sudden)
Diagnostic Terms
                Anacusis(total deafness)
                Bradyecoia(partial deafness)
                Palinacusis(backwards/again/déjà vu)tumor on the auditory nerve or dealing with the brain itself
                Presbyacusis(loss of hearing because of old age)
                Amblyacousia(ambly-dull hearing)
                Paracusis (abnormal hearing)
                Oxyacusis/hyperacusis(hyper sensitive or excessive hearing)
                Pseudacousma(acousma-thing itself, false hearing,hallucination)
                Logokophosis (kophosis-total deafness word deafness)
Diagnostic terms
                Which of the following is a problem of the middle ear:
                                Salingemphraxis-blocking the Eustachian tube so you can’t change in pressure and can bust your ear drum.
                                Ceruminosis-wax before ear drum
                                Labyrinthitis-labyrinth is in the inner ear. Cochlea
Anatomical Terms
                All of the following are true of the cochlea, except:
                                It is derived from the greek word for land or sea snail
                                It contains the organ of corti
                                Contains the semicircular canals.  FALSE
                                It is where the nerve impulses for hearing are generated.
Infection that starts in the inner ear.  Mastoid appears like a breast.  Inflammation of the bone mastoid.  It can infect the middle ear and inner ear. 
Tempormandibular joint syndrome(TMJ)
                Effects the middle ear and the estacian tube.  Can cause loss of hearing.
Diagnostic terms
                Which of the following is a conductive hearing loss(auditory nerve or cochlea):
                                Otosclerosis Right answer-hardening of the ear.  Increased bone formation on the stapes.
                                Meniere’s disease-where the person has too much indolymph swelling of it
                                Acoustic neuroma-benign tumor on the nerve. 
                Stapedectomy-solution for otosclerosis if it becomes bad enough.

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